- 7 minutes to read

Plan your Nodinite installation

Eager to get started? Install Nodinite

On this page, you will find valuable information that can help you get the best experience with our support and maintenance tool for system integration solutions we call Nodinite.

Where do I find the latest information?

Access the latest information for Nodinite, including system requirements and product support information, from our Documentation page and our Portal. These links are easy to access and are available for all users from within the self-service web-based interface we call Web Client.

Nodinite Release Notes

Review the prerequisites

Nodinite is a platform from the ground-up designed for enterprise scalability with many different services and dependencies. You will find each of these prerequisite pages in the Getting started sections. Depending on your needs and demands (and wallet), there are different prerequisites for different target environments.

Windows Server SQL Firewall
Web Client
Logging Service
Monitoring Service
Configuration Database
Log Databases

Use the table above as your to-do checklist to install or troubleshoot Nodinite.

graph LR subgraph "SQL Server" roConfigDatabase(fal:fa-database Configuration database) --- |Linked Server| roLogDatabase(fal:fa-database fal:fa-database fal:fa-database Log databases) end subgraph "Application Server" roLogAPI(fal:fa-cloud-download Log API) --- roConfigDatabase roWebClient(fal:fa-globe Web Client) ---roWebAPI(fal:fa-cloud-sun Web API) roWebAPI --- roConfigDatabase roLoggingService(fal:fa-hard-drive Logging Service) --- roWebAPI roLoggingService --- roConfigDatabase roMonitoringService(fal:fa-watch-fitness Monitoring Service) --- roConfigDatabase roMonitoringService --- roWebAPI end

Architectural overview of the Core Services of Nodinite, customers with Logging, typically have large amounts of data and run SQL Server on dedicated servers.

Understanding your data and message processing requirements

It is essential to be clear about your processing requirements and understand what you want Nodinite to do for you and your business. With Nodinite, your business gets a self-service tool where they can manage Logging and Monitoring from specific business-critical workflows to technical nitty-gritty details, all according to your well-defined policy. Nodinite has role-based security.

About your run-time environment

When you start to plan your Nodinite environment, you must first consider the design of your system infrastructure, on-premise and/or in the cloud, and you must at least understand that moving data around in your network allocates additional resources and costs. In addition, Nodinite is a software product that needs to be updated from time to time.

  • What volumes per day do you intend to log and process?
  • What volumes do you want to keep? 1 million qualified business transactions per day are worth roughly 1 GB of compressed disk storage
    • What about GDPR - Nodinite Repository Model can help you keep track of what's essential and what's not
  • Who should be granted access to Nodinite, maybe the server must be domain joined
  • Who should get the Alerts Nodinite transmits?
  • What and when? Build your knowledgebase with Nodinite
  • Plan, design, order, and implement the infrastructure required The capability and capacity provided by Nodinite vary according to the given processing power in which your system integration nodes are running
  • Plan, design, order, and implement Service Accounts required by Nodinite and satellite systems to Log and Monitor
    • Who should get granted access to Nodinite, and what should the end-users be allowed to do?
      • Administrator
      • Contributor
      • Enable self-service for end-users; For example, grant read and download of business transactions (messages), repair and resubmit messages, view the state of Monitored Resources, perform remote actions like start and stop services, ...
  • Plan, design, order and implement Installation of Nodinite and related Log- and Monitoring Agents
  • How, when and who updates Nodinite?
  • Plan, design, order and implement (make sure) a backup routine; Remember Nodinite can run in a distributed environment with services scattered on-premise and in the cloud.
  • Who is (will be) the System Owner responsible for your Nodinite environment over time once in production?
    • The product key usually needs to be updated twice a year.
  • Nodinite is a product in constant development. Make sure to plan and allocate time and costs (time is money) for attending webinars, self-studies and tests, POCs and other occasions where we and/or our Partners present new information at various meetups.
  • Subscribe to our newsletters and releases using our Support Portal

Buying Licenses for Nodinite

Nodinite is a subscription-based software, and you can buy it directly from one of our Partners or us. However, depending on your need, different options may be better suitable, for example:

Managed Services - Most partners offer professional services:

  • Education
  • Hands-on help
  • Updates
  • Hosting - Some partners sell Nodinite as a service (SaaS)

Contact us at info@nodinite.com for guidance and recommendations.

How to become a Partner

If you want to become a partner, contact us at contact@nodinite.com or visit our Become a Partner page.


graph LR subgraph "Database Server" roConfigDatabase(fal:fa-database SQL Server) end subgraph "Application Server" roWebClient(fal:fa-code-commit Nodinite) ---roConfigDatabase end

Nodinite should be installed on dedicated virtual machines on-premise or in the cloud with the databases co-located with existing database services. Make sure to assign new logical disks to your SQL Server instances hosting.

You do not want excessive Logging to block/inhibit your business-critical solutions running on shared services.

  • CPU - At least two CPUs or cores (x64) (The extensive use of threads in Nodinite make better use of multiple CPUs and cores). Additional CPU/Cores do not affect the licensing for Nodinite. You may require four cores or more if you co-host SQL, IIS, Nodinite on the same virtual machine, depending on the workload.

BizTalk, SQL etc., may require additional licenses depending on setup and license types used.

  • RAM - RAM >= 16 GB RAM on servers running any of the Core services. For Windows Servers also hosting SQL Server, we recommend >=32 GB RAM

  • DISK - Nodinite should be installed on dedicated hosts with dedicated Windows swap volumes (>2,5 * physical RAM), and SQL disks should have > 300 MB/S R/W. A secure, highly available backup volume (or network share) should be available with sufficient free space for Log* Databases.

    • Make sure to have enough storage to keep old backups. If you have, for example, three historical large Log databases (~60GB) and you keep these backups for, let's say 3 days, then you will need at least (3 * 60 * 3 = 540 GB Volume)
    • Each environment (instance), if possible, use separate disk volumes to avoid problems affecting the other environment if you run out of disk space
    • If you are using managed disks in Azure, our recommendation is to use Premium SSD disks P30 or better for SQL Server (DATA and Log) and Premium SSD disks P20 or better for the OS.
  • SQL Server: Typical Nodinite installations require 30GB / Month. Normally, the data is erased after 14 days. To preserve large amounts of data; you need additional disc space. The disk usage has to be carefully monitored by IT operations. Part of planned maintenance actions is to deal with historical data. This affects mainly disc usage. Large NodiniteLog* databases will affect performance. Nodinite has support to store infinite (only restricted by disc space) amounts of data, but this function should depend on the use of multiple Log Databases. The recommendation is to keep each NodiniteLog_* database < 50 GB. If possible, the initial volume size should be 50GB and must (again) be carefully monitored by IT operations. All Nodinite Databases are on initial setup today configured in simple recovery mode. This behaviour today is by design, but it may change in the future. It is supported to have Log* Databases in full recovery mode, but this will affect the log disk space used until the next backup.

SQL Server Always On Availability Groups is supported by Nodinite

If you intend to use SQL Server Always on Availability Groups then make sure to read the About SQL Server Always On Availability Groups user guide
  • Cluster options

    • Application Server - Nodinite currently has no distributed cache. Hence, it should not be installed on an NLB solution or a fail-over cluster
    • SQL Server - Nodinite relies on SQL Server to persist the data, hence, SQL Server should be reliable and available. Our recommendation is to install SQL Server with a fault-tolerant option according to your current policy and budget.
  • Windows Event Logs - Nodinite Core Services, Log Agents and Monitoring Agents logs to the local event log as a last resort and might periodically write many records. Make sure that the event logs on all servers with any of the Nodinite components are set to overwrite.

Do not use fixed-sized event logs!


You can buy training from one of our certified Partners or contact us at info@nodinite.com for guidance and recommendations.

Next Step

Prerequisites for the Install and Update Tool
How to download the latest version of Nodinite

Next Step

Install Nodinite
Update Nodinite