- 4 minutes to read

What is the Nodinite Logging Service?

Throw away your crystal ball! With Nodinite you don't have to know everything in advance since everything logged can be reindexed. so make sure you log everything(!) The benefit of having Nodinite log all your business transactions are plentiful. For starters:

  • You get Statistics and KPIs
  • You can find your data and your errors
  • You can get alerts for Non-Events
  • You have the best data possible for decision support reports
  • You can re-index if you find out that you need yet another Search Field
  • You can create payment models if you need to split the costs for your system integration solutions based on your KPIs

The Logging Service is a Windows Service installed and updated as part of the Core Services package. See Prerequisites for pre-installation related information.

Protects your data Archive Find your data
Nodinite encrypts your data and the only way to read is through log audited operations Archiving is built-in, store as much data as your business deems Smart re-indexing support gives you the power to find what you are looking for even if it's old data

Nodinite Logging Service is responsible for processing and reprocessing events and messages that have been logged by either the Nodinite Log Agents or from other solutions with your custom code using the Nodinite Asynchronous Logging pattern.

graph LR subgraph "Logging Service" roMSProcess(fa:fa-search-dollar Process/re-index/encrypt ) roMSDelete(fa:fa-trash-can Delete old data) roMSShrink(fa:fa-compress-alt Shrink old and large Log Databases) roRedo(fa:fa-redo Rebuild fragmented indexes) id1["fa:fa-repeat 1 BizTalk Log Agent / Environment"] end

The Logging Service is your cleaning operative and keeps Nodinite at its best


  • Managing Logging Service - Tune the Logging Service to suit your needs and environment
  • Logging from BizTalk - Get insights into your business transactions by logging all events from Microsoft BizTalk Server to Nodinite (in and out events with payload and context) without making changes to the existing BizTalk solutions using the built-in tracking capabilities

Logging from Microsoft BizTalk Server

Nodinite Logging Service supports logging from your Microsoft BizTalk Servers where global tracking is enabled. You can concentrate all BizTalk environments to a single Nodinite instance. To keep performance goals and to scale the Logging Service runs one thread per environment with your user-defined environment-specific settings. Nodinite supports multiple versions of BizTalk.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite Logging Service" subgraph "LogAgent instance #1: BizTalk Prod 2020" roBizTalk(fal:fa-handshake Fetch Events and Messages from BizTalk DTA) roBizTalk2(fal:fa-arrows-alt-h Synchronize EndPoints with Tracking enabled from BizTalk MGMT) id2["fal:fa-gear Environment-specific settings"] end subgraph "LogAgent instance #2:BizTalk Prod 2013 R2" roBizTalk3(fal:fa-handshake Fetch Events and Messages from BizTalk DTA) roBizTalk4(fal:fa-arrows-alt-h Synchronize EndPoints with Tracking enabled from BizTalk MGMT) id3["fal:fa-gear Environment specific settings"] end subgraph "LogAgent instance #n: ..." id1["fal:fa-repeat Repeat as needed..."] end end

The Logging Service hosts one thread (WorkerItem) for each configured BizTalk Environment (group) to log from

This topic is further detailed in the Logging from BizTalk.


The performance of this service heavily depends on the current workload on CPU, memory, network, SQL, and disk IO on involved machines. User Configuration that affects processing comes from Message Types and Search Fields. The amount of work also depends on the size of the payload/Context, the current amount of data in the Log Database, current workload.

We have started to gather a list of KPIs, please feel to contribute:

Average processing time Number of messages/second SQL Disk Read performance MB/s (Volume for FileGroup Index) SQL Disk Write performance MB/s (Volume for FileGroup Index) #SQL Cores #Cores Logging Service #RAM SQL GB (memory limited) #RAM Logging Service GB Comment
32 ms >30 >1350 >52 2 2 7 7 Azure Demo environment

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the Nodinite Logging Service FAQ exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

How do I know if the Logging Service has stopped?

Information about the current state of the Logging Service is available for a Nodinite end-user in the following locations:

  1. The notification area of the Web Client
  2. From the Overview in the Administration of the Web Client
  3. On the Update page of the Install and Update Tool

How do I know where the Logging Service is installed?

The actual whereabouts of the Logging Service can be found in the following places:

  1. From the Overview in the Administration of the Web Client (and all other installed components)
  2. On the Update page of the Install and Update Tool (Core Services)

How do I enable Logging from Microsoft BizTalk Server?

This topic is further detailed on the 'Logging from BizTalk' page.

Next Step

Monitoring Service
Message Types
System Parameters
Search Fields