- 3 minutes to read

What is the Nodinite Configuration Database?

The Nodinite Configuration Database is a database that you host in a SQL Server instance. The Nodinite Installer creates a new SQL Database prefixed NodiniteConfig_. This database has a different name for different Environments (like NodiniteConfig_Prod, NodiniteConfig_Test etc.).

The Configuration Database is part of the Core Services which means that the installer helps you with both the installation and regular updates. See Prerequisites for pre-installation related information.

The Nodinite design help keep your environments performing well over time, even though you may add large amounts of data. The Nodinite Configuration Database store the statistics for all this data forever.

The following components interact and depend on the Configuration Database. Each of those other components may run with least privileges set making your environment more secure with the obvious side effect of added complexity and administration. The table in the Core Services Overview provides links to all SQL, Windows and firewall settings required for the other components. The 'Prerequisites' page further details this for the Configuration Database.

graph LR subgraph "SQL Server" roConfigDatabase(fal:fa-database Configuration database) --- |Linked Server| roLogDatabase(fal:fa-database fal:fa-database fal:fa-database Log databases) end subgraph "Application Server" roLogAPI(fal:fa-cloud-download Log API) --- roConfigDatabase roWebAPI(fal:fa-cloud Web API) roWebAPI --- roConfigDatabase roLoggingService(fal:fa-hard-drive Logging Service) --- roConfigDatabase roMonitoringService(fal:fa-watch-fitness Monitoring Service) --- roConfigDatabase end

Overview of the Nodinite Web Applications and Services interacting with the configuration database

The Configuration Database has many stored procedures, table types, functions, and stores the Nodinite configuration in tables. All queries against Log Databases and BizTalk databases are executed as potentially remote queries using linked servers for access. The Linked Server must be properly configured, see Prerequisites for additional information.

Keep Users and SQL DBA's away from Nodinite databases At least you should be Aware, Nodinite is Always Aware! Even though Messages and Context Properties stored with Nodinite are encrypted you should limit your attack vectors and keep configuration data as secure as possible. Remember all operations should be performed from either the Web Client or the Web API since all changes are being Log Audited.

How do you know who read sensitive information? Nodinite helps you get aware.

Single Server Example

The Nodinite Configuration Database typically has the current online Log Database running on the same SQL Server Instance.

graph LR subgraph "SQL Server Instance" roConfigDatabase(fal:fa-database Configuration database) --- |Linked Server| roLogDatabase(fal:fa-database fal:fa-database fal:fa-database Log databases) end

Overview of Nodinite Core Services interacting with the configuration database

A Linked server must be configured for access to all the Nodinite Log Databases. In addition, for Microsoft BizTalk Server, a Linked Server must exist for access to the BizTalkDTADb and BizTalkMGMTDb.

Historical Databases stored on SQL Hotel

You do not have to delete 1 single transaction, Nodinite has the ability to log as much data for as long as you need. When the online Log Database grows oto large or too old ('SizeToSplitDatabaseOn' and 'DaysToSplitDatabaseOn' System Parameters) a SQL DBA can move historical Log Databases to another SQL Instance as deemed necessary by your operating conditions. Disk volume is the #1 limiting factor, both from a performance perspective, but also you may end up having very large amounts of data to cope with.

graph TD subgraph "SQL Server Hotel" roLogDatabase2(fal:fa-database fal:fa-database fal:fa-database Historical Log databases) end subgraph "SQL Server" roConfigDatabase(fal:fa-database Configuration database) --- |Linked Server| roLogDatabase(fal:fa-database Online Log database) roConfigDatabase --- |Linked Server| roLogDatabase2 end

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite Configuration Database exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

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Add or manage Log Databases

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Log Databases