- 5 minutes to read

Monitor Views Overview

On this page you will read about the Overview for Monitor Views. It is located in the Administration side bar menu and is available for Users part of the built-in Administrator Role.

NOTE: All sensitive operations are Audited.

What is a Monitor View? Click here to find out!

Monitor Views are part of the Monitoring topic and are a key feature of Nodinite. Read and understand the basic concepts before continuing.


In the Overview for Nodinite Monitor Views, there is a sortable list with entries to manage. You can swiftly narrow down an extensive list of Monitor Views by typing characters into the filter text box.

Monitor Views (
Here's an example of a filtered list of Nodinite Monitor Views.

Manage Monitor Views

The available functionalities for managing Monitor Views are:

Add new Monitor View

To create a new Monitor View, click the Add Monitor View button.
Add Monitor View button
Here's an example of the 'Add' button. Click on it to add a new Nodinite Monitor View.


You can clone an existing Monitor View.
Duplicate Monitor View Action button menu item
Click the 'Duplicate' menu item to clone an existing Monitor View

Edit Monitor View

To Edit an existing Monitor View simply click on the link in the Name column or open the menu from the "Actions" button and click on the "Edit" menu item.
Edit Monitor View Action button menu item
Click the 'Edit' menu item to edit an existing Monitor View

Delete Monitor View

To Delete an existing Monitor View open the menu from the "Actions" button and click on the "Delete" menu item.
Delete Monitor View Action button menu item
Click the 'Delete' menu item to Delete an existing Monitor View

Restore deleted Monitor View

To Restore a deleted Monitor View you must first check the "Show deleted Monitor Views" checkbox.

When checked, include deleted Monitor Views in the list*

Then open the menu from the "Actions" button and click on the "Restore" menu item.
Restore Monitor View Menu Action Button
Click the 'Restore' menu item to Restore a deleted Monitor View


From the "Copy API URI" modal you get the underlying REST API call that was made against the Web API. Click the "Copy API URI" button to open the modal to get the query string.

Nodinite promotes the use of custom Reports.


Nodinite Tags are unique string values that can be used to organize, classify and maintain your Monitor Views. Use the Tags to help you and your Users find specific Monitor View, as well as related Monitor Views. Please note that Nodinite comes with no predefined Tags, this is your story to tell.

Monitor Views Filtered by Tags (
Here's an example of a filtered list of Monitor Views by the specified set of Tags.

TIP: Tag Monitor Views to make it easier for your Users to manage numerous Monitor Views.

Frequently asked questions / Troubleshooting

You can create new, edit and delete Monitor Views using the Nodinite Web Client.

How do I create a new Monitor View?

Follow the instructions in the Add or Manage Monitor View user guide.

How do I add an Article to a Resource?

You need to be a Nodinite Administrator to manage Knowledgebase Articles and make associations with a Resource.

Follow the guide below to add an Article to a Resource.

Step 1: Select Resource

  • Click the Action button for the Resource, and then click the Articles menu-item.

Add Article to Resource
Example for button menu item "Articles" available on the Action button for the selected Resource.

Step 2: Select scope

Next, you need to define the scope of your Knowledgebase Article:

Remember the following facts apply:

New association Example association options for Resource without existing Knowledgebase Articles.

  1. Click the "Add Article" button to associate the Knowledgebase Article with the appropriate collection, this action opens the next modal for editing the actual Knowledgebase Article

Step 3: Write content

Next, you will add content for the Knowledgebase Article.

Next Step

Add or manage Monitor View
Add or manage User
Add or manage Role
Add or manage Monitoring Agent

What is a Monitor View?
Monitoring Agents
Access Management