- 2 minutes to read

Add or manage User

This guide teaches how to add and manage a User.

Step 1: Add or manage User

Add a new User or Edit an existing from the list in the overview.

Click the Add/New button to create a new User.
Add new User Button
Click the 'Add/New' button to add a new User.

Step 2: Name and configure the User

Now enter the name of an existing Windows user (the login name). This is a unique name and the field is mandatory.
Add User

Mandatory Fields

User Name

A User name is required to create the User.

Example validation error: Bad format for domain and user provided
Bad user data

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional:

  • Additional information: A user-friendly description.
  • Email: For the Monitoring Service to send email through the email Alarm Plugins a valid email address for the user must be provided. The email address is only used by the email plugin. To provide less maintenance and less hard coding you should use the E-mail with options instead.

Step 3: Assign Role membership

You can assign the User to any existing Role (1 or more).

Edit Roles
Example list of user-defined Roles.

Next Step

Add or manage Log View
Add or manage Monitor View
Add or manage Role

Access Management
Log Views
Monitor Views