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Log Views Overview

Get started now: How to Add or Manage Log View user guide.

The Log Views Overview exists in the 'Log Management' main menu. From here, the Nodinite Administrator manages the Nodinite Log Views.
Log Management - Log View
Here's an example of the Log Views link as a menu item in the side bar.

Log Views are part of the Logging topic and are a vital feature of Nodinite. There is a specific page for the Log Views topic. Make sure to read and understand the basic concepts before continuing.

In the Log Views Overview, there is a sortable list of tailored Log Views to use and manage. You can swiftly narrow down an extensive list of Log Views by typing characters into the filter text box. You can also use the Tags feature to filter the list.

Log Views Overview (
Here's an example of a list of Nodinite Log Views

Manage Log Views

The available functionalities for managing Log Views are:

Add new Log View

To create a new Log View, click the "Add Log View" button to manage the Log View.
Add Button
Here's an example of the Add new Log View button.


To make a copy of an existing Log View, click the Duplicate menu item and follow the instructions on the screen.
Log View Clone Menu Action Button
Here's an example of the 'Duplicate' menu item is in the Actions button.

Show Log View

Click the 'Show' menu item to open the Log View in view mode. This is where you search for historical Log Events.
Show Log View
Click the 'Show' menu item to use an existing Nodinite Log View.

Edit Log View

To Edit an existing Log View, click the link in the Name column or open the menu from the "Actions" button and click on the "Edit" menu item.
Log View Edit Menu Action Button
Click the 'Edit' menu item to edit an existing log View

Delete Log View

To Delete an existing Log View, open the menu from the "Actions" button and click on the "Delete" menu item.
Log View Delete Menu Action Button
Click the 'Delete' menu item to Delete an existing Log View

Restore deleted Log View

To Restore a deleted Log View, you must first check the Show deleted Log Views checkbox.

When checked, include deleted Log Views are also present in the list.

Then, open the menu from the "Actions" button and click the "Restore" option.
Log View Restore Menu Action Button
Here's an example of the 'Restore' Log View menu item.


To get alerts when there are missing, faulty, or numerous Log events, please read about and make use of the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent.

From the "Copy API URI" modal you get the URL in use. The Nodinite Web Client makes a REST API call to the Nodinite Web API. Click the "Copy API URI" button to open the modal to get the query string.

You can use the URL to get the data into your custom Reports.


Nodinite Tags are unique string values that can be used to organize, classify and maintain your Log Views. Use the Tags to help you and your Users find a specific Log View, as well as related Log Views. Please note that Nodinite comes with no predefined Tags, this is your story to tell.

Log Views Filtered by Tags (
Here's an example of a filtered list of Log Views by the specified set of Tags.

TIP: Tag Log Views to make it easier for your Users to manage numerous Log Views.

Frequently asked questions / Troubleshooting

Use the Administration to perform new, edit, duplicate, and delete Log Views using the Nodinite Web Client.

How do I create a new log View?

To Add new Log View, please follow the user guide "Add or Manage Log View".

Next Step

Add or manage Log View
Add or manage User
Add or manage Role

Access Management