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How to enable Logging from Ghost Nodes flows to Nodinite

What is Ghost Nodes? Read more about this innovative new system integrations platform at the Ghost Nodes web site.

graph LR roGNA[fa:fa-ghost Ghost Nodes] --> |Logging| roPS[far:fa-code-commit Nodinite]

How do I enable logging from Ghost Nodes to Nodinite?

Follow the steps outlined below in order to enable logging from Ghost Nodes to Nodinite.

In this step, you will open a modal in order to manage some logging options.

  1. From within the Ghost Studio, first create, or open an existing graph that you want to enable logging for.
  2. Then, click on link properties at the top menu.
    Open Link Properties

In this step, you will set some basic settings to enable logging.

  1. Check Enable logging
  2. Uncheck Enable summary logs
    Manage Link Properties

Step 3: Add log pre-processor

In this step, you will add a Log pre-processor to the graph canvas.

  1. Click and drag the Log Pre-processor node onto the graph canvas.
    log pre-processor

  2. Select the NodiniteLogEventConverter and click Ok.
    Nodinite Log Event Converter

Step 4: Manage the NodiniteLogEventConverter

In this step, you will link the NodiniteLogEventConverter with the adapter to receive events to be logged from and set some log-related properties.

  1. Connect the logging connector to the adapter you will receive log events from.
    Connect Nodinite Log Event Converter

  2. Click on properties, on the adapter
    Adapter Log Properties

  3. then, on the Advanced tab; Check the checkboxes, depending on what you want to log, and then click Ok.
    Advanced Tab

Step 5: Add and manage the log file destination

In this step, you will manage the destination for the Nodinite JSON Log Events.

  1. Drag a Log Destination Node to your graph canvas.
    Add Log Destination

  2. Then, select a File Log Destination and click OK.
    File Log Destination

It is possible to use other log destinations. This example uses the file destination node. Review the Nodinite Pickup Service to select the best option for your business case.

  1. Connect (or dock), the Nodinite log preprocessor to the log adapter.

  2. Click the exclamation mark in the log adapter to complete the missing path.

Make sure the target folder is a highly available file share, otherwise you should log to a share that is local to the node where this graph runs. You do not want to get any problems due to problems with logging.

  1. Click the Advanced tab before closing the dialogue, and change the Format when delivering messages to Adapter String Message.
    Advanced file properties

  2. Before deploying, check the mandatory properties of the NodiniteLogEventConverter and change the properties according to your preferences.
    Mandatory Properties

The properties to be specified match 1:1 with the properties of a Nodinite JSON Log Event.

Mandatory Data Type Field Value Comment
number Log Agent Value Id 6 Log Agent source, who sent the data? This value should rarely change between different graphs
string Original Message TypeName https://nodinite.com/Customers/1.0#Batch Message Type Name
number LogEvent Endpoint Type Ghost Nodes Select the type of Endpoint transport
bool Use UTC timestamps Checked/Unchecked Use datetime in ISO8601 format or use the local time
number LogEvent Event Direction 0 Select the type of Direction for the Endpoint transport
string ApplicationInterchangeId "" Id for Application scope, use to keep related events together

Step 6: Deploy

In this step, the design phase in Ghost Nodes is over, and you can soon enjoy the logged result from within the Nodinite Web Client using one or more self-service enable Log Views.

If you need logging from other adapters, repeat the steps as necessary by your requirements and specifications.

  1. Press Deploy to start the node sending logs, exceptions and payloads to Nodinite.

Step 7: Configure Nodinite Pickup Service

The output log files must now be consumed by the Nodinite Pickup Service.

  1. Install
  2. Configure
  • You should monitor the shares/folders with output files from Ghost Nodes. Use the Nodinite File Monitoring Agent.
  • You can create monitoring to give you alerts for missing log events or when content does not conform to your standards. Use the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent.
  • You can probably use many other Nodinite Monitoring Agents to make sure every node and dependent resources in a Ghost Nodes installation, is healthy.

Next Step

Add or Manage Log Views

Log Views Asynchronous Logging