- 2 minutes to read

What is a Nodinite Logging Agent?

Nodinite Log Agents gives you true end-to-end Logging.

The Logging feature of Nodinite includes one or more Log Agents creating Nodinite Log Events from one or more systems integration brokers, or from custom code with information about events with optional payload/context. The list of Log Agents is in the Overview

graph LR subgraph "fal:fa-code-commit Nodinite" A[fal:fa-archive Log Agent ] --- broker[Integration Broker/ESB/Custom Code] A --- |Log Events| roNI[Nodinite Log API] end

Identify Log Agents using a unique Id (Log Agent Value Id). Log Events from this should always have this information element embedded. The Log Agent entry is automatically created by the system (if it does not already exist) during the processing of the first logged event from this Log Agent. The default name is Not Set. This default name should be changed by an Administrator to a more user-friendly name describing the type of source, for example, 'BizTalk 2016 - PROD' or 'iCore - Test'

Log Status Codes

Each Log Agent may log events and messages with an optional status code, for more information, review the Log Status Codes user guide.


How do I add or Manage Log Agents?

Manage the information about the Log Agent using the Nodinite Web Client.

Where do Log Agents come from?

A Log Agent is either custom built by you, or provided by us at Nodinite, review the Logging for additional details.

Can I build my own Log Agent?

Yes, your mission is that you either send the Log Events directly to the Log API (not our recommendation) or create a JSON Log Event that the Pickup Service fetches asynchronously (recommended). Every Log Event includes an Identifier for the Log Agent.

Next Step

Add or manage Log Agents
Log Status Codes

Log Events
Log Views
List of Logging