- 2 minutes to read

History for Resources in a Monitor View

On this page you will learn how to view the state changes on Resources over a time period. This is helpful troubleshooting recurrent problems.

The History about state changes for all included Resources may be displayed from within a Monitor View granted the user is assigned permissions to do so.

Search by date time

To display the history for Resources select the period:
Search By Date and Time

The result will then be presented. The search can be re-ran with different times with as much data as is being kept in the Log Databases.
Monitor View History

Search by specific Resource

The history for individual Resources can also be displayed (if allowed so) by clicking on the Action button and selecting View Resource History:
Action View Resource History

The result presents in a new browser tab:
View Resource History

Access to this feature must be allowed by the system Administrator, and is set managing the Monitor Vew.

Allow History Allowance


How long time is the retention for historical monitoring events?

Nodinite keeps the records in one or more Log Databases. There is a System Parameter: DaysToKeepMonitorEvents that governs how long time this data is kept.

How can I create custom reports based on historical monitoring events?

Read more about creating your own reports here.

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