What is the Nodinite Monitoring Service?
The Nodinite Monitoring Service is responsible for making sure you get aware according to your alerts configuration. This configuration comes from the use of self-service enabled Monitor Views.
The Monitoring Service is a Windows Service installed as part of the Core Services package, see Prerequisites for installation-related information. The status of Resources being monitored by Monitoring Agents is periodically synchronized by the Monitoring Service.
Operations performed by the Monitoring Service or commands issued by a user come from the following configurations and functionality:
- Manage the Monitoring Service - Set properties that control run-time behaviour.
- Pushing Alerts using Alarm Plugins
- Periodic synchronization with configured Monitoring Agents
- Execute Remote Actions - Secure transfer and audit logged operations initiated by a User or an Auto Healing configuration
Pushing Alerts
Whenever the evaluation of the state of Resources from any of the Monitoring Agents matches your configuration for Monitor Views. Alerts are pushed by Alarm Plugins and Nodinite ships with various mail and Windows Event Log plugins.
- E-mail with options
- Windows Event Log - for use with for example SCOM
- HTTP Webhook
- 3rd party plugins
- Custom Alarm plugins that you provide using our templates and SDKs - for use with your issue-tracking system
Monitoring Service is responsible for making you aware, Nodinite is Always Aware.
Provide Self Service configurations using Monitor Views
The Monitoring Service "knows" who to send to and with what options from the use of Alarm Plugins configured either globally or customized using one or more Monitor Views. Using the concept of Role based Monitor Views means that you can push alerts for anything from 1 single Resource, or you can mix Resources from different Monitoring Agents to create end-to-end monitoring and alerts for individual system integration workflows with exactly the dependencies that exist for each solution.
Highly configurable role-based Monitor Views provide self-service for end-users as well as customizable options for pushing alerts.
Periodic Synchronization
The Monitoring Service performs periodic Synchronization with the Monitoring Agents. Different instances of the Monitoring Agents may have individual synchronization settings set by configuring a Monitoring Agent Configuration.
Generic illustration for any type of resource being monitored by a product/service-specific Monitoring Agent.
Synchronization with Monitoring Agents wherever they are
The Monitoring Agents can be installed on-premise or anywhere else. The Monitoring Service can communicate with the Monitoring Agents using any of the following options:
Frequently asked questions
Additional solutions to common problems and the Nodinite Monitoring Service FAQ exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.
How does the Monitoring Service know what to Monitor?
The Monitoring Service "knows" this because a Nodinite Administrator has configured both internal configurations and configurations for self-service
- Knows about Monitoring Agents through the concept of Monitoring Agents
How does the Monitoring Service know about the evaluated state of a Resource?
The Monitoring Service "knows" this because a Nodinite Administrator has configured the Resources
- Knows about the evaluated state from the configuration of Resources
- Knows about Auto Healing operations to perform from the configuration of Resources
How does the Monitoring Service know how to push alerts?
The Monitoring Service "knows" this because a Nodinite Administrator has configured the Monitor Views
- Knows who to send to and with options from the use of Alarm Plugins configured either globally or customized using one or more Monitor Views
Next Step
Add or manage Monitoring Agent
Add or manage Monitor View
Manage Alarm Plugins