- 2 minutes to read

What are Remote Actions?

With Remote Actions in Nodinite, any User given this right can interact with the monitored Resources. Without any hassle, the delegated rights mean the user has the power and means to resolve many common problems.

Remote Actions exist for most Nodinite Monitoring Agents. For example, get the details, start and stop services, view history, and run things on demand.

All Remote Actions are audited.

Keeps business-critical resources online Log Audited operations Generally available on all Resources
Quickly provide self-service access for your business and other stakeholders Responsible users can swiftly manage and resolve problems, thereby saving downtime All monitored resources with Remote Actions can benefit from the auto-healing feature

Remote Action is a privilege granted by a Nodinite Administrator. The Remote Actions are available when these are allowed in the configuration for the Monitor View:
Edit Right for Remote Actions

User Examples

Below are a few user-based examples. There are hundreds of remote actions implemented within the various Nodinite Monitoring Agents. The point is you do not need to be a global administrator with too many privileges to fix the problem, and you can delegate the problem to whomever it may concern.

Monitoring Agent Scenario Executed Action Business case
Windows Server Monitoring Agent Windows Service has stopped Start Let the finance department have the ability to restart a single Windows Service without contacting the support or IT-department. This saves time and money for all parties.
BizTalk Server Monitoring AgentReceive Location has stopped Enable Let individual members of the IT-operations team have the ability to restart a single BizTalk Server Receive Location without being a BizTalk Server Administrator and contacting the developers or the AM-team. Nodinite Remote Actions saves time and money for all parties.


Sample of the Remote Actions from the Nodinite BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent Resources:

Example 1: Suspended Messages (resumable) Example 2: Receive Location

Windows Services

Sample of the Remote Actions from the Nodinite Windows Server Monitoring Agent:

Example 1: Scheduled Tasks Example 2: Services
Most Nodinite Monitoring Agents have Remote Actions implemented

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Monitoring Agents