- 3 minutes to read

Managing the Nodinite Event Log Alarm Plugin

Send Nodinite alerts to the Windows Event Log.

graph LR windows[fab:fa-windows Windows Event Log] alert(fa:fa-bolt Nodinite Alert)-...-> |Filter| windows alert -...-> |Liquid Stylesheet| windows windows -...-> |optional| ro3rdParty["3rd party solution like MOM/SCOM"]

The Nodinite Event Log Alarm plugin sends Alerts triggered by Nodinite Monitoring Service from the Monitor Views to the Windows Server Event Log (Application).
Windows Event Log example Here's an example of Windows Event Log entries from the Nodinite Event Log Alarm plugin.

The Event Log Alarm Plugin comes pre-installed with the Nodinite Core Services.

Configuring the Event Log Alarm Plugin

You can configure the Alarm Plugin using Nodinite's Web Client by navigating to "Administration", "Settings", "Alarm Plugins", and choose "Event Log", review the Add or manage Alarm Plugin for generic details.

Log Event Plugin Configuration

The following two sub tabs exist within the Configuration tab:

Event Log configuration Tabs
Here's an example of the configuration tabs.

Basic tab

From the Basic tab, you can enter the basic information about the plugin:

The following properties can be configured for this plugin:

Property Description Link
Web Client URL Provides the base URL for the Web Client (used to generate a link to actual Monitor View with the origin alert)
Event Id The Event Id to use when writing events to the Windows Application Event Log (0-65535) Variables can be used, for example {Alarm.JsonPath:MonitorViews[0].Integrations[0].CustomMetaDatas[?(@.Name=='SLA')].CustomValues[0].Value}
Default is EventId=0 for any failures due to configuration or invalid range using dynamic variables
Event Source see the Variables user guide for additional information Variables can be used, for example Nodinite: [{Customer} | {Environment}]

Basic tab configuration
Here's an example of the basic tab configuraiton.

Write options tab

From the Write options tab you can configure the following properties:
Write options

Option Description
Split by Resource When checked each resource is written as a separate log event. NOT DEFAULT
Write event on evaluated state = 'OK' Checked if alarms for Monitor Views with state change to 'OK' should be written to the event log
Write event on evaluated state = 'Warning' Checked if alarms for Monitor Views with state change to 'Warning' should be written to the event log
Write event on evaluated state = 'Error' Checked if alarms for Monitor Views with state change to 'Error' should be written to the event log
Write event on evaluated state = 'Unavailable' Checked if alarms for Monitor Views state change to 'Unavailable' should be written to the event log
Write event on evaluated state = 'Connection Error' Checked if alarms for Monitor Views with state change to 'Connection Error' should be written to the event log

Specific Settings in Monitor Views

From any Monitor View where the Event Log Alarm Plugin is used, you can override the global settings and customize the configurable properties:
Specific Settings


You can modify the content written to the Windows Event Log. Nodinite Event Log Alarm plugin support stylesheets of type Liquid

Use the JSON below as a template to test your custom built Stylesheet.

"SplitByResource": false,
"AlarmObject": --- PASTE JSON HERE ---

Here's an example of the the data structure sent to the Event Log plugin by Nodinite.

You have an example of the JSON alert here.

Next Step

Alarm Plugins - Overview
Edit Alarm Plugins

Monitoring Service
Monitor Views