- 2 minutes to read

Installing and Configuring Nodinite Monitoring Agents

Monitor every link in your system integration chain!

Nodinite enables End to End Monitoring of your System Integration Solutions, in the cloud, and on-premise. Either from the use of any of the "out of the box ready to go" Monitoring Agents or from your solutions based on your code. Nodinite Monitoring Agents must be installed and configured. Details for each Monitoring is further explored individually.

With just one tool; Nodinite, you get all components to support and maintain system integrations solutions:

Make sure to monitor every link in your system integrations chain before your business finds out there's a problem
graph LR subgraph "Host with Monitoring Agents" roMonitorAgent(fal:fa-monitor-waveform Monitoring Agent) ro(fal:fa-lightbulb-on Resources to Monitor) roMonitorAgent --> ro end subgraph "Nodinite Instance" roMonitoringService(fal:fa-watch-fitness Monitoring Service) roMonitoringService --> roMonitorAgent end

Generic illustration for any type of resource being monitored by a product/service specific Monitoring Agent.

The design goal here is to be able to Monitor any system or application and provide a self-service experience with reporting capabilities and relevant, and up-to-date information to stakeholders. Fixing the problems early means less costs for your business.

The list of out-of-the-boxNodinite Monitoring Agents are further detailed on the Monitoring page.

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