- 3 minutes to read

Working with Nodinite Log Views


Allow your businesss to find the data they seek and need using the Role-based Log Views.


As data may come from Azure, Boomi, BizTalk Server, Mulesoft Anypoint platform, Boomi, WS02 and many more, you can easily correlate Log Events that span across Systems and run for a long time.

You need access to Nodinite Log Views, please contact the System Administrator to be part of a Role with assigned Log Views.
Access Log Views

How to perform a Search using a Nodinite Log View

  1. First, navigate to the Log View from the Overview. To narrow a large list, you can apply filters on name and Tags.
    Log Views Overview
  2. Click on a Log View.
  3. If the Log View has the flag to perform a search on open, Log Events may appear on the screen instantly.
  4. You can usually change the date range, the values and change the operators for included Search Fields.
    Search Options (
    To change the operator, click the input field and select from the list. The list is different depending on the data type for the Search Field.
    Select Operator
  5. Click on the Search button to perform the search operation with the specified filter and group settings.
  6. Log Events display by Log Date Time. If the result is grouped, then other display options exist.
  7. Using the result, the User can also Copy API, Print and Export to CSV file.

View Log Event Details

On each row, the following buttons exist. Depending on your assigned permissions, the content within is different.

View Buttons


The Action button has the following menu items.

View details

There is a lot of information about a Log Event. On the Details page, there are also additional features to Resend, Repair, Download, Re-index and Delete the Log Event.
Click on the View details button to open in a new tab.
View details for Log Event (

  • Details - You can stay on the page and look at just the Details.
View message body

View Message Body

View message using a Stylesheet

If the User is granted the permission to view Log Events using a Stylesheet, and, the Message Type is associated, the Action button has additional menu items.
View Message with Stylesheet

Resend Log Event

Resend Log Event

Download Log Event

Download Log Event


Log Event Details (

On this panel, there is a lot of information in the header and there also multiple tabs with even more details. The number of tabs depend on assigned permissions.

Event Details tab

Additional Fields Tab

Additional Fields Tab

Context Properties Tab

Context Properties Tab

Repository Model Tab

If you have the proper permission, you can view how the Log Event is associated with the Nodinite Repository Model. The Log Event must be tied to a Service. If it is not bound, you can use the Transport Contract Wizard to create a Transport Contract for a selected, or created Service.
Repository Model Tab

Comments Tab

You can add comments to the Log Event to share with others. You cannot delete Comments, no one can.
Comments tab

You can read more here.


The Timeline feature is great for your continual improvement process

If you group Log Event, then, on the header, there is an icon you can click to present a Timeline.
Grouped Log View Timeline (


Use the information to improve the overall performance. You can easily spot the bottlenecks and with this information you can efficiently target the source.

Next Step

Add or manage Role
Add or manage Log View

Log Views