- 2 minutes to read

Manage RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent

Manage monitoring thresholds and perform remote administrative actions on RabbitMQ brokers and queues.

Delegate control and let all those involved in the support and maintenance team have the power to manage problems related to your RabbitMQ brokers without having any of those persons have individual access to the Servers and tools. Limiting the number of attack vectors and having fewer people with high access rights minimizes the risk of disruption of mission-critical services.

Application Management Team IT Operations Business
Don't waste your time with manual labour; instead, automate the process of evaluating content in text-based RabbitMQ Stay on top with complete control of deployed assets and get alerts only when needed Give your business a heads up on failed and/or missing business transactions

RabbitMQ events as Resources
Example of different RabbitMQ Configurations as seen in a Monitor View

Each RabbitMQ configuration presents as a unique Resource, with a user-friendly display name from the remote configuration settings.

Monitoring Features

The Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent has the following features:

As an Administrator, with access to Monitoring Agents, from the Remote Administration dialogue, you can further manage the following:

  • Add, Remove and Manage RabbitMQ Configurations
    • Manage monitoring thresholds
  • Enable and Disable Monitoring

See the global Configuration page, for additional details about how to configure Nodinite the Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent


The various monitoring capabilities for the Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent manifest as Resources and group by Categories. The Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent provides the following named Categories.

Category What is evaluated Actions Metrics/Statistics
Queue Queues Details:
fa-edit: Edit
Disk Disk Edit N/A
Memory Memory Edit N/A
Broker Broker Service N/A N/A

Remote Configuration

You can configure the Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent using the Remote Configuration feature detailed in the Configuration user guide.

Log Audits

All operations you and other Users perform are logged to the Nodinite Audit Log, ensuring you comply with policies and applicable regulations.

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

To manage your RabbitMQ Queue managers using Nodinite, you must enable Monitoring of one or more RabbitMQ Queue Managers, which is further described in the configuration page.

Next Step

Remote Configuration of the agent

Remote Actions
Monitoring Agents
Monitoring Agents