3rd party libraries
Nodinite uses many Open-Source repositories and other 3rd party libraries with open-source licensing. We at Nodinite are proponents of open-source based software!
We may provide templates and example code (SDKs) for the following components and applications:
- Alarm plugins
- Monitoring Agents
- Log Agents
- Search Field Plugins
- Custom Metadata Plugins
- Message Encoding/Decoding Plugins
Nodinite Applications, Services and APIs make use of different run-times:
Run-time | Version | Major Nodinite Version | Comment |
.NET | 9 | >=7.x | In active developmentSupported OS versions |
.NET | 8 | Logic Apps Agent | In active developmentSupported OS versions |
.NET | 7 | 6.x | In use by some Monitoring Agents |
.NET | 6 | - | No longer in active use |
.NET Framework | 4.8 | v6.x | We recommend 4.8.1 or later |
.NET Framework | 4.6.2 | v5.4.x | We recommend 4.8.1 or later |
.NET Framework | 4.5.2 | v5.0 -> 5.3.x | We recommend 4.8.1 or later. BizTalk Monitoring Agent make use of this version |
.NET Framework | 4.0 | - | No longer in active use |
.NET Framework | 3.5.1 | - | Required by the Microsoft BizTalk Server run-time, not a requirement for any Nodinite binary |
Java run-time | 21 | JMX Monitoring Agent | If possible, make sure to use the OpenJDK versions, NOT the Oracle versions |
You MUST update .NET run-time frequently to stay in support
As documented by Microsoft, you must update almost monthly to stay supported.
Why do we prefer open-source licensing?
We at Nodinite use open-source libraries using open-source-based licensing forms because it promotes freedom and does not impose licensing limitations or demands on our or your custom code. We contribute not only by using the libraries, but our ambition is to contribute by actively helping to develop the stuff we use.
Why do we NOT use pure GPL-based software?
We care about our intellectual property; GPL is a “viral” license and must be avoided at all costs. Any derivative works (programs like Nodinite) must also be licensed under the GPL. Also, any work that you would later add like custom agents, plugins etc. would also have to be licensed under the GPL.
The Nodinite Java run-time monitoring is built with Java using the OpenJDK which uses the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
You might want to read more about Oracle's Java 11 trap - Use OpenJDK instead!.
List of 3rd party open source libraries in use by Nodinite
We do not generally list license information about the following Microsoft standard .NET Assemblies as they are too many and the licensing information about these are MIT.
If you have any questions about the usage of these, please get in touch with our support.
MIT License
- Angular.UI.Bootstrap
- Angular-file-upload
- AngularJs.AutoFields.Bootstrap
- angular-ui-select
- Antlr
- Audit.NET
- Azure.SDK
- Bootstrap
- bootstrap.sass
- BundlerMinifier
- CodeMirror
- Web Client - View/Repair Message Payload/Body
- Coverlet.Collector
- Used by most Unit Test projects
- Date Range Picker - Selects date and time in Web Client
- DTASpy (Nodinite uses a copy with changes since submitted bugs are not fixed on GitHub) (MIT License)
- SharpZipLib (GNU GPL license with special exception)
- double-scroll-bars - AngularJS directives for double horizontal (top & bottom).
- Flurl.Signed
- Font Awesome
We are using the PRO version
- FromHeaderAttribute
- FSharp
- GraphQL
- Humanizer.Core
- jsPlumb - Integration Landscape (MIT License)
- jquery
- jstree
- LazyCache.Signed - Manages Caching in most parts of Nodinite
- Lightbox - Lightbox for images
- Mermaid - Diagrams
- MimeKit
- momentjs
- Mustache - Remote Configuration and Forms from Monitoring Agents
- newtonsoft.json - Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- newtonsoft.json.bson - Json.NET BSON adds support for reading and writing BSON
- ORMi.Signed - We are using a private clone of the version as the official version makes use of outdated libraries and lacks signing
- Popper.js - License according to the footer on the website
- Prism - Syntax highlighting in the Docs
- ServiceModelEx (This lib is in use with Nodinite 1.x-6.x)
- SSH.NET - SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH-2) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism.
- Summernote - Knowledge base Articles MIT
- Swagger.Net.Examples - Used to add support for examples in Swagger in WebAPI and LogAPI
- TaskScheduler
- toastr
Apache License
- Apache NMS
Apache NMS ActiveMQ- Web API - Resend messages to ActiveMQ
- Message Queuing Monitoring Agent - List queues and the number of events
- Apache NMS.AMQP
- Pickup Service - Read and write messages from and to ActiveMQ using OpenWire or use AMQP including support for ActiveMQ Artemis.
- Dapper - A simple object mapper for .NET
- DotLiquid - Transform Stylesheets from JSON to HTML/Flat file/... Apache License 2.0
- Log4Net - Used internally and in the Log4Net Appender. (Apache license)
- log4net.Ext.Json
- log4net.Ext.Json.net
- owin
- Strathweb.CacheOutput.WebApi2
- WebActivatorEx
Microsoft Public License
- CsvHelper - For various Formula and Export to CSV functions found in both the Web Client and the following Monitoring Agents (dual License, Microsoft Public License and Apache 2.0 license), more info here
- System.Xml.XPath MS-.NET-Library License
- WindowsAzure.ServiceBus
BSD-3-Clause License
- ng-table
- Swagger.Net - Used to add support for Swagger in WebAPI and LogAPI
- Polly - Used to add resilience and transient-fault-handling support for communications with remote APIs and is used in multiple agents
- jsdiff - Compare two messages in a Log View
PostgreSQL License (a liberal OSI-approved open-source license)
- npgsql - Used by the Pickup Service to read Log Events from PostgreSQL database instances npgsql license
GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception
- GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception from using the OpenJDK - Used by the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent
Nodinite and later is using Syncfusion Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC and we have a signed EULA which grants us the right to redistribute their software. These binaries are in use for the radial tree, and BPM feature.
Deprecated (no longer exists in later versions)
The following libraries have been used in older versions of Nodinite Core Services, Logging and Monitoring agents.
- DotNetZip License <= 6.0
- PLCWebUtility - License
- OAuth 2.0 Client for .NET - (BSD-3 clone)
- Fparsec -
- VersionOne.Parsers - License material unknown; request sent 2020-08-05
- knockoutjs Nodinite 1.x -> 5.x
- Fody / MethodTimer IBM Monitoring Agent <= 6.0
- Modernizr Nodinite 1.x -> 5.x
- morelinq <= 6.0
- Respond Nodinite 1.x -> 5.x
- WCFExtras (License is unknown, closed on Codeplex. Nodinite 1.x -> 5.x)
- ngclipboard - Used by the Web Client and the Update tool Nodinite 1.x -> 6.0
Privacy Shield / Schrems II
Nodinite is usually installed in a customer-controlled environment. Nodinite itself has no functionality to move data outside the installed instance. Hence, Privacy Shield concerns are not applicable.
Please review the Nodinite Privacy Policy for other details about what information we store about you.
Nodinite does not embed or ship Log4J binaries. Therefore, according to the current policy, customers must use a supported version of Log4J.
Next Step
- Nodinite End User License Agreement (EULA) - Contact us at info at nodinite.com ()