Effortless Management for Azure Service Bus
Take full control of your Microsoft Azure Service Bus with the Nodinite Message Queueing Monitoring Agent. This powerful agent not only replaces Service Bus Explorer (both the open-source and Azure portal versions) but also enhances management, security, and automation—helping systems integration experts save time and achieve better results faster.
Why Choose Nodinite?
Advanced Queue Management Without Azure Portal Access
Grant selected team members the ability to view, manage, and resolve issues—without giving them direct Azure Portal access. This reduces security risks by minimizing attack vectors and limiting high-access privileges. Nodinite's RBAC-based Monitor Views ensure controlled access.
Here is a list of Azure Service Bus Resources as presented in a self-service enabled Nodinite Monitor View.
Comprehensive Monitoring & Proactive Alerts
Stop message stockpiling before it disrupts your business. Get real-time alerts on:
- Growing queue depths
- Aging messages
- Dead-lettered messages
- Misconfigured forwarding
- Misconfigured forwarding dead-letter to
- Misconfigured and empty Topic Subscriptions
- Disabled entities
Built-in Auditing for Compliance & Accountability
All sensitive operations in Nodinite are Audit Logged, ensuring full traceability—a crucial requirement for regulated industries like finance, healthcare, and government. Avoid the blame game and always know who did what, and when.
Feature-Rich Agent: Replace Service Bus Explorer with Nodinite
With the Nodinite Message Queueing Monitoring Agent, you gain unparalleled control over Azure Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions:
🔧 Remote Actions & Message Management
- Cancel Scheduled messages
- Delete messages (individual or selected)
- Enable/Disable queue
- Move active messages to the Dead-letter sub-queue
- Purge Active and Dead letter sub queue
- Repair individual messages
- Resubmit Dead-lettered messages with "Resume" and "Resume & Delete" options
⚡ Threshold & Configuration Management
- Set global or individual thresholds for age, count, and quota
- Edit and manage thresholds dynamically
- Enable/Disable monitoring for queues, topics, and subscriptions
Message Retrieval & Processing
List messages
Download single messages or bulk messages as ZIP files
Post message to queues or topics, including advanced options
🔍 Detailed Insights & Resource Management
- Add/Remove Resource Groups per Azure Subscription configuration
- View details for Service Bus Queues, and Topic Subscriptions
- View details for Resource Group and Azure Subscription
- View details for Service Bus Namespace
🔑 Administrator Features
As Nodinite Admin, you can:
- Add/Remove Azure subscriptions
- Enable/Disable monitoring
- Perform remote configuration
Take Full Control of Your Azure Service Bus—Without the Hassle
With Nodinite, you can streamline operations, prevent downtime, and reduce manual work—all while ensuring compliance, security, and efficiency.
Upgrade your monitoring strategy today and leave Service Bus Explorer behind—experience faster troubleshooting, automated issue resolution, and effortless queue management with Nodinite! 🚀
Azure Subscription
💡View details about the Azure Subscription and manage Resource Groups.
A User with access rights to a Monitor Views with the Resources of the Category 'Azure Subscription' where Remote Actions are allowed can perform the Actions documented next.
This Resource is helpful to include/exclude Resource Groups in the Monitoring. Every Azure Subscription entry in the Configuration is one Resource.
Azure Subscription Details
Click the Details menu item in the Actions button to load the details page with information about the Azure Subscription.
Next, the page opens with essential information about the Azure Subscription.
Example with essential information about the Azure Subscription.
Add/Remove Resource Groups
In the table, you will find all Resource Groups that exist within the Azure Subscription. A Service Bus Namespace resides within a Resource Group.
Use the filter input field to narrow down a large list of Resource Groups.
You can add or remove Resource Groups by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkbox. If you have added a Resource Group that no longer exists, the corresponding Resource will be marked as 'Unavailable'. This is visually indicated in the table with a grey background color for the missing Resource Group.
Here is a list of Resource Groups currently included in the monitoring, as seen in a self-service enabled Nodinite Monitor View.
If a Resource Group is missing from the Azure Subscription, it may have been removed, or the current App Registration (Client ID) may not have sufficient access rights. To ensure least privilege access, please review the Azure Access page in the least privileges section of the user guide.
Click the Save button to persist changes.
Persist changes by clicking the Save button.
Resource Group
💡View details about the Resource Group.
A User with access rights to a Monitor Views with the Resources of the Category 'Resource Group' where Remote Actions are allowed can perform the Actions documented next.
The following Remote Actions exist:
Resource Group Details
Click the Details menu item on the Actions button to load a page with information about the Resource Group.
Example with essential information about the Resource Group.
Service Bus Namespace
💡View details about the Service Bus Namespace.
The following Remote Actions exist:
Service Bus Namespace Actions.
Service Bus Namespace Details
Click the Details menu item on the Actions button to load a page with information about the Service Bus Namespace.
Example with essential information about the Service Bus Namespace.
Service Bus Queue
View details and manage messages on a Service Bus Queue including its sub queues.
A User with access rights to a Monitor Views with the Resources of the Category 'Service Bus Queue' where Remote Actions are allowed can perform the Actions documented next.
Menu items from the Action button on selected queue
- Details
- Edit thresholds
- Enable
- Disable
- Resubmit and Delete All Dead Letter Messages
- List Active Messages
- List Dead Letter Messages
- List Scheduled Messages
- Purge Messages (Active)
- Purge Dead Letter
Service Bus Queue Details
💡View details about the Service Bus Queue.
Click the Details menu item in the Actions button to open a page with information about the Service Bus Queue:
Example with essential information about the selected Service Bus Queue.
Expand the accordion to view the curent Monitoring thresholds:
Service Bus Queue Monitoring Tresholds (
Current Queue Monitoring thresholds.
Edit thresholds
Use the Edit thresholds page tp change the Monitoring thresholds. When untouched, the Monitoring is using the global settings. You can override these individually for each queue.
You can modify the following properties:
Here's an example modifying the Monitoring thresholds for the selected Service Bus queue.
If you see the following warning message it means that this queue is using global thresholds. When you click on the Save button you will start to use specific thresholds instead.
If you see this alert, the current configuration is using the Global configuration.
Queue Description
You can manage the Description field for the Nodinite Resource. This option provides you a way to add a "comment" for the specific queue.
Delete message on resubmit
When checked, delete the original message by default after a successful resubmit operation. The user can override this setting on individual resubmit operations.
Timespan evaluation
- Allowed timespan - manage threshold for the maximum allowed age for first message on the specific queue
State | Name | Data Type | Value Example | Description |
Warning TimeSpan | Timespan | 00:05:00 (5 minutes) | The age of first message on the queue to trigger Warning alert | |
Error TimeSpan | Timespan | 01:10:00 (1 hour 10 minutes) | The age of first message on the queue to trigger Error alert |
Queue Count Evaluation Type
There are four different type of count based evaluations:
- None - Count based Monitoring is disabled.
- Fixed - Evaluate the Monitoring based on the number of messages on the queue.
- Percentage - Evaluate the Monitoring based on the current size vs the maximum allowed size of the queue.
- Comes First - Both the Fixed and Percent is enabled and the Monitoring yields alerts on what happens first.
Options for monitoring of queue based on numbers
When the Queue Count Evaluation Type is None, the number based evaluation is disabled.
With the Fixed option monitoring is based on "fixed" numbers.
With the Percent option monitoring is based on quota.
Comes First
With the Comes First option you can set thresholds for Fixed and Percent and both options will be monitored.
- Number evaluation - Manage threshold for the maximum number of allowed messages
State | Name | Data Type | Value Example | Description |
Warning Count | integer | >=0 | The number of messages to go above on the queue to trigger Warning alert | |
Error Count | integer | >=0 | The number of messages to go above on the queue to trigger Error alert | |
Warning Limit % | integer | 1-100 | Set the threshold quota value in percentage (1-100) for Warning alert | |
Error Limit % | integer | 1-100 | Set the threshold quota value in percentage (1-100) for error alert |
You can Enable a Service Bus Queue that is in the Disabled state. Click the Enable menu item in the Actions button on the Resource representing the queue.
Next, you will be prompted with intent to continue with the operation. Click either Yes to proceed and No to abort the current operation.
If the operation is successful, you will se a result resembling the following screen capture:
You can Disable a Service Bus Queue that is in the Enabled state. Click the Disable menu item in the Actions button on the Resource representing the queue.
Next, you will be prompted with intent to continue with the operation. Click either Yes to proceed and No to abort the current operation.
If the operation is successful, you will se a result resembling the following screen capture:
List Dead Letter Messages
Click the List Dead Letter Messages menu item on the Action button for the selected queue to view a list of all dead letter messages on the selected Service Bus queue.
Nodinite will then load a shared modal with a paged list view with the dead letter messages currently on the queue. The Dead Letter tab is now the active tab.
Sample list of dead letter messages on Service Bus queue.
You can reload the list by clicking on the Reload button.
Manage Dead Letter Messages
From the Actions button you can further choose to manage the selected dead letter message. The following options are available:
- Download (documented in a shared paragraph)
- Delete
- Resubmit
List Active Messages
Click the List Active Messages menu item on the Action button for the selected queue to view a list of all messages on the selected Service Bus queue.
Nodinite will then load a shared modal with a paged list view with the messages currently on the queue. The Active tab is now the active tab.
Sample list of messages on a Service Bus Queue.
You can reload the list by clicking on the Reload button.
Manage Active Messages
From the Actions button you can further choose to manage the selected dead letter message. The following options are available:
- Download (documented in a shared paragraph)
- Delete
List Scheduled Messages
Click the Scheduled tab from within the "Manage messages ..." modal to get a paged list of all scheduled messages on the selected Service Bus queue.
Sample list of scheduled messages on Service Bus queue.
You can reload the list by clicking on the Reload button.
Manage Scheduled Messages
From the Actions button you can further choose to manage the selected dead letter message. The following options are available:
- Download (documented in a shared paragraph)
Download options
Different options for downloading messages exist:
- Download single message
- Download selected messages
Regardless of which alternative you download from ('Active', 'Dead-letter' or 'Scheduled'), you can "globally" select which encoding to apply on the downloaded message(s) as file.
Select encoding for downloaded message.
1. Download single message
You can download a single message by clicking on the Action button and select Download.
You must 'allow browser pop-ups'
Click on download menu item to download message from queue.
2. Download selected messages
You can also download selected messages from the queue by clicking on the Download menu item in the 'With selected' button:
Download selected messages as zip button.
This operation may time out if you have a large amount of messages on the queue, use with caution.
Post message
From the Post tab, you can submit a new message to the selected target entity (Queue or Topic).
Post message tab with essential send options.
Send a message with the following properties:
- Subject/Label
- Message
You can modify additional properties, expand the Advanced accordion.
- Target entity name - The name of the target entity (Queue or Topic)
- Message ID - You can set a user-defined Message ID. Leave the field empty for the automatic creation of a unique Guid.
- Correlation ID
- Session ID
- Reply to Session ID
- Reply to
- Dead letter source (read-only) - Name of the queue or subscription that this message was enqueued on, before it was dead-lettered.
- Encoding
- Content type
- Time to live - Enter a time to live (TTL) in the format: days.hours.minutes.seconds, e.g., 0.00:00:30 for thirty seconds.
- Scheduled enqueue time (local)
In addition, you can add any number of custom properties (Key-Value).
- Message custom properties
Purge Messages (Active)
If you click on the 'Purge Messages' menu item of the Actions button you are presented with a confirmation dialogue:
If the operation succeeds you are presented with this information and the number of messages that was removed.
Purge Dead Letter Messages
If you click on the 'Purge Dead Letter' menu item of the Actions button you are presented with a confirmation dialogue:
If the operation succeeds you are presented with this information and the number of messages that was removed.
Remote Configuration
As an Administrator with access to Monitoring Agents from the Remote Administration dialogue, you can further perform global Configuration:
- Add and Remove Azure subscriptions.
- Add and permanently Remove Resource groups within each subscription. You can also temporarily disable a Resource Group.
- Enable and Disable Monitoring.
- Set global thresholds for queues.
- Set individual thresholds on named queue.
- Add and Remove RegEx based exclusion filters (also featuring a negative lookahead).
Next Step
Configure the Nodinite Message Queueing Monitoring Agent