- 3 minutes to read

IBM MQ Monitoring Agent

Plug and Play! No changes to the existing solutions

Having problems with IBM MQ? No Worries, Nodinite detects problems and help Users provides means to resolve them manually or by the use of the auto healing feature.

Get aware of problems with queue depths, listeners, channels, queue states, general availability and get other insights based on your IBM MQ environment. The IBM MQ Monitoring Agent feeds Nodinite with information about the health of your IBM MQ environment and provides remote actions for responsible within your organization to swiftly manage and resolve matters. End-users do not need to have personal access to the MQ Servers using for example MQExplorer with extended or unnecessary knowledge about passwords and other insights of deployed artifacts that are often out of their scope anyway.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite" roNI(fal:fa-code-commit IBM MQ Monitoring agent) roMonitor[fal:fa-monitor-waveform Monitoring] end subgraph "IBM MQ" ro3(fal:fa-list Queue Manager) roNI --- roMonitor roMonitor --- ro3 end


Share and delegate Save time Save money
Quickly provide self-service access for your business and other stakeholders Responsible users can swiftly manage and resolve problems, thereby saving downtime Just 1 Nodinite license is required regardless of the number of queue managers

What can I do with the IBM MQ Monitoring Agent?

Monitor all your IBM MQ resources regardless of the number of queue managers

You will only need one license and one instance of the IBM MQ Monitoring Agent for all your IBM MQ environments, regardless of where they are. The agent has support for multiple queue managers using different access accounts.

Learn from mistakes

Use the Nodinite Web API to create Power BI Reports with valuable statistics. Learn and visualize or get the KPIs of interest.

Make your organization aware of the problem

When Nodinite detects a problem with resources within your queue manager an alert can get distributed using any of the built-in Alarm plugins to get you or the responsible organization aware and involved.

Delegate control and fix problems with ease

With Nodinite you can fix your IBM MQ related problems. Delegate control using role based security and [manage problems with your queues](Managing queues) from the Web Client.

Stay secure

Nodinite has Role based security and enables you to restrict access down to individual resources using Monitor Views. We at Nodinite think it is wise to limit the number of power users (administrators) from having direct access to servers and services. All operations in Nodinite are being audited.

How do I know how many queue managers and queues I have?

Nodinite has a smart way to group your resources and either looking directly in the Web Client or you can customize and automate this further through the Web API and that data can be used within your Power BI Reports.

Grow together

Over time as your number of queues and other IBM MQ related resources grow, Nodinite and the Agent automatically detects and monitors additional deployed resources.

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite IBM MQ Monitoring Agent exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

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