- 12 minutes to read

Manage Monitoring and Logging for Azure Logic Apps

Manage logging, monitoring thresholds and perform administrative remote actions on Logic Apps for configured Azure Subscriptions.

For your business and other end-users; Delegate the power to manage, and gain insights to selected Logic Apps in Azure. Nodinite Monitoring aids the support and maintenance team's people in having additional data for root cause analysis without having individual direct access to the Microsoft Azure Portal. Reducing access limits the number of attack vectors, and having fewer people with fewer access rights minimizes the risk for disruption of mission-critical services.

Application Management Team IT Operations Business
Let your AM team have the power to stop and start services without involving the IT operations team Stay in complete control with access to everything Give your business Data and self-service for solutions built using Logic Apps


The Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent has the following features:

Resource Name Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
Subscription Details Statistics
Resource Group Details
Logic App Enable
Edit thresholds
View history
Failed Runs List failed runs
Failed Triggers List failed triggers
Log Configuration Details -


All operations you and other Users perform are logged to the Nodinite Audit Log, ensuring you stay compliant with policies and applicable regulations.

Remote Configuration

As an Administrator with access to Monitoring Agents, from the Remote Administration dialogue, you can further manage:

  • Add, Remove and Manage Azure subscriptions
    • Add, Remove and Manage the set of Resource groups within each subscription
  • Enable and Disable Monitoring
  • Enable and Disable Logging

See the global Configuration for additional details about how to configure Nodinite and the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent

Azure Subscription


Manage the set of Resource Groups included in the Logging and Monitoring from the Subscription Details page.

The 'Subscription' Category provides one Resource for each configured Subscription to monitor with the specified display name as the Resource name.
Azure Subscriptions
Example from a Monitor View with a list of configured Azure Subscriptions.

If the permission to perform Remote Action is granted; The following operations exists:
Subscription Actions
List of defined Remote Action

Subscription Details

To view the selected Subscription Resource and manage the Resource Groups in the Monitoring and the Logging; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Details Menu Action
Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Subscription.

Next, click the option to present the modal.
Subscription Details

All available Resource Groups are presented in the list (this includes visible in Azure and the ones you manually put in the Configuration).

Monitoring is enabled for checked Resource Groups. You can enable and disable monitoring by checking (or unchecking) the row.
Logging can be enabled when the Monitoring is enabled.


The list of Resource Groups can be narrowed by typing characters in the filter text box.

Click the Save button to persist changes.
Save button.

Subscription Statistics

To view the statistics about Workflows in the selected Subscription Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Statistics menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Subscription Statistics Menu Action
Use the 'Statistics' action menu item to open the Statistics modal for the selected Subscription.

Next, click the option to present the modal.
Subscription Statistics

All Workflows are in the Resource Groups for the current Configuration in the accordions.

Statistics table

In the table the Workflows are listed and you can find intriguing details about the Workflow:

KPI Description
Max invocations What Workflow Run had the most number of Action Invocations. This KPI helps you find Workflows with excessive loops. If these are Consumption based, it means it is a costly Workflow.
Total invocations The total number of Actions Invocations. A large number means a potentially costly, or at least resource intensive Workflow.
Succeeded The total number of successful runs.
Failures The total number of faild runs.
Max Duration The duration of the slowest run.
Min Duration The duration of the fastest run.
Avg Duration The average duration for all runs.
First run When did the oldest Workflow run.
Last run When did the last Workflow run.

Resource Group

The Category 'Resource Group' provides one virtual Resource for each configured Subscription.
Resource Group Resources
Here's an example of a filtered Monitor Views with the Category Resource Group.

If the permission to perform Remote Action is granted; The following operations exists:
Resource Group Actions
List of defined Remote Action.

Resource Group Details

To view the selected Resource Group Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Resource Group Details Menu Action
Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Resource Group.

Next, click the option to present the modal.
Resource Group Details
Here's an example of the Details modal for selected Resource Group.


The data presented is logically the same regardless of Logic Apps Standard, or Consumption.

Inactivate Resource Group

A Resource Group that no longer exist in Azure needs to be removed. Click the Inactivate button to remove it from the Monitoring and Logging.

You can open the Details page even for a Resource Group that is unavailable.
Details about an inactivated Resource Group
Here's an example of an Inactivated Resource Group.

Resource Group Statistics

To view the statistics about Workflows in the selected Resource Group Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Statistics menu item within the 'Control Center' section.

Resource Group Statistics Menu Action
Use the 'Statistics' action menu item to open the Statistics modal for the selected Resource Group.

Next, click the option to present the modal.
Resource Group Statistics

Please review the Statistics table for additional information.

Logic App

The Category 'Logic App' provides one resource for each Logic App found from configured Azure Subscription with its name.
Logic App
Example from a Monitor View with the list of Logic Apps to include in the Monitoring.


See Monitoring Logic Apps for additional details about Logic Apps Monitoring.

The following Remote Actions are available to users from Monitor Views Logic Apps where Remote Actions are allowed:

Logic App Remote Actions
Here's an example of Remote Actions available on the Logic App Category.

Logic App Details

If you want to get the details about a Workflow, click on the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Logic App Details
Here's an example of the Details Logic Apps sub menu item.

Logic App Details Action
Here's an example of a details page for a Workflow.


Make sure to review the Diagnostic settings. The information helps you make sure the current agent configuration matches the Azure configuration and that the Monitoring and Logging may be operational.

Disable Logic App

If you want to change the state of an enabled logic app, click on the Action button and click on the Disable menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Disable Logic App
Here's an example of the Disable Logic Apps sub menu item.

In the dialogue, either confirm or abort the requested action.
Disable Logic App Confirm Action
Example dialogue asking for confirmation to disable named logic App.

Next, the outcome of the operation presents on the page.
Disable Logic App operation result
Result from operation.

Edit thresholds Logic App

To change the Monitoring thresholds; Click the Edit threholds sub menu item.
Logic App Edit Thresolds
Here's an example of the Edit thresholds Logic App sub menu item.

The header (Properties) in the Edit thresholds modal let you manage the following fields:

Field Description
Description A user friendly description about the Workflow.
Last clear date time Ignore execution errors before this point in time.

Edit thresholds header
The header part for editing the Monitoring thresholds for the selected Workflow.

The Thresholds section allow you to set the non-events Monitoring thresholds.
Edit Tresholds
Use the Monitoring tresholds to set proper non-events Monitoring thresholds.

  • Use global thresholds -When checked, use the global settings for the Monitoring of this Workflow

  • Lookback period - Determine how far back in time to look. The monitoring evaluation uses this value if the current time is higher than the last clear date-time + the lookback period

  • Min execution count (Warning)

  • Min execution count (Error) Enter the monitoring thresholds for the count-based evaluation. -1 means that the check is disabled (default)

  • Max Execution count

  • Max execution count (Warning)

  • Max execution count (Error) Enter the monitoring thresholds for the count-based evaluation. -1 means that the check is disabled (default)

  • Max invocation count (Warning)

  • Max invocation count (Error) Enter the monitoring thresholds for the count-based evaluation. -1 means that the check is disabled (default)

  • Duration Warning

  • Duration Error Set the threshold for the maximum duration in milli seconds.

Enable Logic App

If you want to change the state of a disabled logic app, click on the Action button and click on the Enable menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Enable Logic App
Here's an example of the Enable Logic app sub menu item.

Next, after you click; a dialogue presents asking for confirmation to perform the intended operations. Either confirm, or abort the operation.
Enable Logic App Confirm Action
Example dialogue asking for confirmation to enable named logic app.

Next, the outcome of the operation presents on the page.
Enable Logic App operation result
Result from operation.

Ignore Evaluation Errors

Ignore Evaluation Errors (

Inactivate Logic App

Whenever you remove a Workflow in Azure, Nodinite automatically detects that it is missing and reports it in the state Unavailable. Since the system don't know if the removal was intended, or not; the Nodinite Administrator must perform a conscious decision and also Inactive the Monitoring. Click the Inactivate to remove the active monitoring on the Workflow.


If the Workflow is deployed again, it will be detected and recognized by the system and will then automatically re-appear in the Monitoring.

Inactivate Logic App
Here's an example of the Inactivate Logic app sub menu item.

In the dialogue, either confirm or abort the requested action.
Inactivate Logic App Confirm Action
Example dialogue asking for confirmation to inactivate named logic app.

Next, the outcome of the operation presents on the page.
Inactivate Logic App operation result
Result from operation.


You cannot remove a Workflow if the system still believe it is present.

View Logic App Run History

To view the history for Workflow runs; Click the View history sub menu item.

View history sub menu item
Here's an example of the View history Logic app sub menu item.

In the modal, you can Search by date. From any of the rows in the table, you can then navigate further to either the run as presented in Azure, or use the Admin Log View if you are the Administrator to view the Logged Trigger and Action events according to your current Log Configuration.
Workflow Run History
Example with Workflow runs.

Failed Runs

If there are failed runs newer than the last Clear DateTime, the Logic App is listed with the Error Monitoring state. You can see the full list of failed runs since last clear date.

For each Workflow, there is another Category 'Failed Runs'.
Failed Runs Category (6.1.12)
Here's an example from a Nodinite Monitor View with Logic Apps with the Failed Runs Category.

The follwoing Remote Actions are available:

Failed Runs - Remote Actions (6.1.12)

Manage Failed Runs

Action View Failed Runs
Perform Action 'Manage failed runs' to get a list of failed runs for the selected logic App.

Failed runs
View and manage information about failed runs.

On this screen, there are multiple features.

  • Filter by error description.
    Filter by Error Description
  • Actions Button
    • Resubmit failed run - Rerun operation.
    • Clear - Remove this Run from the list. It is then available in the History for the Logic App.
    • Resubmit and Clear - Rerun operation and remove it from the list.
      Failed Runs Actions
  • Logging Information
  • Failed Run Details
  • [Clear all Failed Runs]

Resubmit failed run

Resubmit Failed Run
Action to Resubmit a failed run.


To rid a failed run, you must remove it from the list. Use the Clear action to remove the failed run.

A failed run that is cleared will also eventually be removed from the database when the cleanup operation runs.
Clear failed run
Perform the Clear action to ignore this failed run.

When you click the Clear menu item, a dialogue presents asking for confirmation.
Clear Action

Logging Information

As a Nodinite Administrator, If you click on Correlation Id on any of the rows the built-in Admin Log View will be opened in a new tab with the System Interchange Id field pre-populated with the actual value.

Also, the search will start and you will find All events part of that run (same interchange id for all events).
Events For Interchange

If you click on the Action on any of the Log Events you can view and download the actual payload.
Failed Interchange View Body

Failed Runs Details

Click on the small button to the left of the Actions button to display additional information about the Failed Run.
Failed Runs Details

Clear all Failed Runs

The Clear all Failed Runs option is available from multiple places and for your convenience, you can clear (flag) all failed runs. Doing so means they are excluded from the Failed Runs Monitoring and they are then available from within the History in the Logic App Resource.

Failed Triggers

Log Configuration

Each Subscription has one Log Configuration Resource. This Resource is part of the Monitoring and any problem detected by the system is presented accordingly. Log Configuration Resource by Category Here's an example of the Log Configuration Resource.

You can use the following Remote Actions to swiftly interact with the current Log Configuration:

Log Configuration Actions
Example with available Actions on the Log Configuration Resource.

Log Configuration Details

To view the details for the current Log Configuration on the selected Subscription, click on the Actions button, and then on the Details sub menu item.
Log Configuration Details Action
The Details Sub menu item.

On the Details page, in the header, information about the Subscription and current vital Log Configuration is presented. Expand the accordion.
Log Configuration Details
Example modal with details about the current Log Configuration.

Manage Diagnostics Settings

To add or update the Diagnostics settings, use the Nodinite Log Configuration Category, click on the Actions button, and then on the Manage diagnostic settings sub menu item.

Log Configuration Manage diagnostic settings Action
The Details Sub menu item.

On the Details page, in the header, information about the Subscription and current vital Log Configuration is presented.

Create or Update Diagnostics
Example modal to manage Diagnostics to enable Logging and Monitoring with Nodinite.

  • Name - The name of the diagnostics setting
  • SAS Policy ARM ID - The resource ID for a SAS Policy to access the Event Hub
    SAS Policy ARM ID
  • Logic Apps
    • Either the Logics App Standard service plan, or (Applies to ALL Workflows in this instance)
    • Individual Consumption based Workflow
  • Event Hub Name - The target entity name of the target Event Hub for the Azure Diagnostics


You need to configure the Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent and match the Azure diagnostics configuration with the listener (this agent).

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.


To manage your Logic Apps from Nodinite, you must enable Monitoring of Logic Apps which is further described in the configuration page