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FAQ and Troubleshooting guide for Nodinite Configuration Database

How large is the configuration database?

The Nodinite Configuration Database is typically very small (<100MB). You can safely shrink this database at any time, especially if the transaction log has grown large.

What Recovery Model should I have?

We recommend that you have the following settings for your Nodinite databases:

  • Set the Configuration Database to use the full recovery mode.
  • Set the Log Databases to use the simple recovery mode, at least if Nodinite is in use with Microsoft BizTalk Server.

You can read further about this in the following 'Microsoft SQL Server Recovery Models' article.

How many configuration databases are there?

There is just one, and only one Configuration Database per instance (environment) of Nodinite.

Are there any SQL Jobs?

Nodinite is designed ground-up not to rely on, depend on, or use any Microsoft SQL Server jobs at all. Our processes perform all the cleaning and heavy lifting for total control.


There are no SQL Agent jobs (Yes you can use the free SQL Express with Nodinite!)

What is in store in the Configuration Database?

All the configurable content like the Repository Model, Log Views with related entities, Monitor Views with related entities, and so on

This topic is detailed in the different prerequisite pages for each service.

How do I update the configuration database?

The database is updated by the Update Tool during an Update of Nodinite. If this step fails, then we have documented how to manually update the Configuration Database in the 'ABOUT MANUALLY UPDATING THE CONFIGURATION DATABASE AND LOG DATABASES user guide.

Can I move the configuration Database to another SQL Instance?

Yes, this topic is in detail in the Moving Nodinite Databases user-guide.

Does the configuration database support high availability SQL Server (Always on)?

Yes, this topic is in detail in the Always-on user-guide.

Contact our support

If you still have any questions or have trouble with the Configuration Database, please contact us at support@nodinite.com.

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