- 3 minutes to read

Manage Nodinite Monitoring Resources

The Monitoring Resources in Nodinite Monitor Views populates automatically from the Nodinite Monitoring Agents. Also, the state automatically synchronizes according to the user-defined polling interval. The set of properties to modify is limited.

To ease the Administration, the available information is divided into the following tabs and panes:

Edit Resource
Managing a Nodinite Monitoring Resource.

General tab

The information in the General tab is read-only.

  • State - Current state of the Resource
  • Name - Name of the Resource
  • Description - User friendly description
  • Log Text - Log Text is the user-friendly representation of the current monitoring state
  • Error Code - Error Code representing current monitoring state (default if not set = 0)

Configuration tab

The Nodinite Administrator can modify the following properties:

Configuration Tab
Here's an example of the Configuration tab for the selected Resource.

You can provide a link to an external Web Site with additional information. When set, the Resource presents inside Monitor Views with an external link icon. The end-user can click on this link to open a new tab with the target URL (Web Site).

Web Site Link
Example with an example of the link feature.

Expected state Configuration

The Nodinite Administrator can override the evaluation of the current Monitoring state of the Resource configuring the Expected State feature.
For example, The SQL Monitoring Agent returns a SQL Job that is currently disabled. By design renders a Warning. By setting the Expected State for Warning to OK the alert is suppressed and displayed as being OK. In addition, a small coloured circle shows what's going on. The latter indicates "We hear you - but hey, there's something strange going on here".

Expected State Icon
Here's an example of a Resource using the Expected State feature.

To manage the Resource, click on the Configuration tab. Then, use the Expected state configuration section to set the expected state according to your preference.
Expected state

Autohealing Configuration

The Nodinite Administrator can add logic to have the system automatically perform an Remote Action depending on the evaluated state.

Empty Autohealing configuration
Click the Edit button to manage the Autohealing configuration.

To manage the Autohealing configuration, click on the Edit button.

From within the Autohealing configuration modal, add one or more Remote Actions to be performed according to the evaluated state. Edit Autohealing configuration

  • Enabled - When checked, this autohealing entry is active, otherwise it is not
  • State - Select the evaluated Monitoring state when to perform the Remote Action
  • Action - Select a Remote Action to perform when the Resource is in the specified evaluated Monitoring state
  • Attempts - Specify the number of attempts to perform
  • Interval - Specify the period in seconds between the retry operations

History tab

The state changes for Nodinite Monitoring Resources exists as log entries in the Nodinite Log Databases. The history is available to end-users with a grant to the rights to view the Monitoring history.
View history tab
Here's an example of historical state changes for the specified Resource from within the History tab.

To alter the number of days to keep the history for Monitoring state changes, please review the DaysToKeepMonitorEvents system parameter user guide.

Monitoring Agent

Information about the Monitoring Agent for the Resource is available.
Monitoring Agent


If applicable, the information about the Application for the Resource is available.


Information about the Category for the Resource is available.

Monitor Views

Monitor Views
Information about the Monitor Views including the Resource is available.

Next Step

Resources Overview
Categories Overview
Applications Overview
Add or manage Application
Add or manage Monitor View
Add or manage Monitoring Agent

Monitor Views
Monitoring Agents
Log Databases