- 4 minutes to read

Manage Monitoring of Container Apps in Azure

Manage Monitoring and perform administrative Remote Actions on configured Azure Container Apps and Environments.

Add/Remove Monitoring of Azure App Containers
Monitoring of Services in multiple Container Apps Environments
View Details about Container Apps and perform Start and Stop operations

Empower your business and end-users by delegating the management and insights of selected Container Apps in Azure. Nodinite Monitoring provides the support and maintenance team with additional data for root cause analysis , all without the need for individual direct access to the Microsoft Azure Portal. This not only reduces access, limiting potential attack vectors, but also minimizes the risk of disruption to mission-critical services.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite Azure Container Apps Monitoring" roA[fal:fa-monitor-waveform Azure Agent] ---- roM(fal:fa-display Monitoring) end subgraph "Azure" roE[fal:fa-leaf Environments] subgraph "Container Apps" roSub([fal:fa-container-storage Container App]) end end roE --> |0..*|roSub roM ---|Configuration|roE
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Let your AM team have the power to be proactive without disturbing the IT operations team Stay in complete control with access to everything Give your business information and self-service for solutions built using Azure

Management Features

For Resources in the Role-based Monitor Views with the Remote Actions privilege grant, the following Remote Actions grouped by Category are available:

Category Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
Azure Container App Monitoring Details
Azure Container App - Environment Monitoring Details -


You must enable the Monitoring in the Remote Configuration.

Azure Container App

The 'Azure Container App' Category has one Resource for each Container App to monitor with the specified display name as the Resource name.
Container Apps
Here's an example from a Nodinite Monitor View with 'Azure Container App' Resources.

See Monitoring Container App for additional details about Container App Monitoring.

The Container App Category provides Resources that display the evaluated monitored state according to built-in rules.

If the permission to perform Remote Action is granted; The following operations exist:


To view the selected Container App Resource and manage the set of monitored Resource Groups; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Details Menu Action (
Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Container App.

Next, click the option to present the App Container Details modal.
Container App Details (
Here's an example of the 'Details' page for a Container App Resource.


You can Start a stopped Container App. Click the Start menu item available within the Actions button.
Start App Container (
Here's an example of how to Start a Container App.

Next, you get asked about your intent to proceed with the operation.
Confirm intent to Start Container App (
Here's an example of a user requirement to confirm intent to proceed with the operation.

If successful, a message similar to the following should appear:
Start App Container - Success (
Here's an example of a successful Start operation.


You can Stop a stopped Container App. Click the Stop menu item available within the Actions button.
Stop App Container (
Here's an example of how to Stop a Container App.

Next, you get asked about your intent to proceed with the operation.
Confirm intent to Stop Container App (
Here's an example of a user requirement to confirm intent to proceed with the operation.

If successful, a message similar to the following should appear:
Stop App Container - Success (
Here's an example of a successful Stop operation.


In Nodinite, a Container App - Environment is a Resource with Monitoring and Management features. You can read more about Azure Container Apps environments here.

Management-wise, the 'Container App - Environment' Resource has the following Remote Actions:

Environment Details

To view the 'Details' about the App Container Environment Resource, click the 'Action' button and then click the 'Details' menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Environment Details Menu Action (
Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Container App.

Next, click the option to present the Details modal.
Container App Environment Details (
Here's an example of a Container App Resource's 'Details' page.

Next Step

Monitoring Container App
Configuring the Nodinite Azure Monitoring agent

Azure Logging and Monitoring Overview
Prerequisites for Azure Agent