- 2 minutes to read

Add or manage Service

This guide teaches how to add or manage a Nodinite Service entity.


Add a new Service, or Edit an existing from the list in the overview. A Service can include Message Types, Endpoints, System and Custom Fields once you have successfully created the Service.
Add Service

Mandatory Fields

A Name is required to create the Service.
Name, Description, and Website

Optional fields

Adding a Description and Web Site is optional.

  • Description: A user-friendly description.
  • Web Site: You can provide a quick link for users when working with and viewing the Service. This link usually points to a WIKI/Sharepoint site with additional documentation.


You must specify the System ( Source or Destination) for the Service. This setting provides information for the Integration Landscape to paint the symbols.

If the System is not yet created, it is easy to create it by clicking on the Quick Add System button (Only the name property is set). Further editing of the System must be done within Add or manage System.
Quick Add System

Transport Contracts Add/Edit

The concept of a Transport Contract is documented on this page. Make sure to read it before you proceed.

If the list is empty; create a new Transport Contract.
Empty Example with an empty list of Transport Contracts.

click the Add button to create a new Transport Contract.

Transport Contract

You must provide a Name for the Transport Contract. This name helps you understand what type of relationship you are creating. It's just a name and you can change it later without any disruption.

Message Types

Add the expected Message Types. You can add multiple entries (e.g. historical and current MessageTypes).
Message Types


Add the expected Endpoints. There can be any number of members.


To draw a landscape with connections relations between Services are required
Relations Result

A Service with "In"-direction to a out Service must be running on the same System to be connected.
A out Service connection to a in Service can run on on same or different Systems.
Relations Edit

Custom Fields

As part of the Repository Model model, You can also add Custom Fields to provide additional documentation about your Service.


Set the Direction. You can choose between

  • Receive
  • Send
  • Direction two way Receive
  • Direction two way Send
  • None
  • Unknown

If a Service in the graphical overview is not defined, the Direction Unknown is displayed.
Service Direction

Next Step

Add or manage Custom Field

Repository Model
Custom Fields