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MessageProcessingMaxBodySize - System Parameter

This feature was introduced to protect the user experience and prevent large messages from interrupting the business

The MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter determines how large messages Nodinite are allowed to process. Messages larger than the user-defined threshold will not be processed and are evaluated as being in state Error with additional Comment.

The Logging Service is responsible for processing messages and honors the MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter.

We at Nodinite recommend that you do NOT set a very large threshold like > 1024 MB. Your Windows Server must have plenty of RAM for larger values and you should test changes to this setting very carefully.
Management of the MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter

System Parameter Name Data Type Values/Example Comment
MessageProcessingMaxBodySize integer 250 (MB) Default = 250 (Higher values may induce high memory usage on Nodinite server where Logging Service is running)

This feature comes with Nodinite version

View processing state

From Log Views the processing state is displayed. In the example below the topmost Log Event was larger than the MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter threshold and hence was set in the Error processing state.
Here's an example of processing states as evaluated by the MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter


Also, within the Log View an additional Comment was added by the Logging Service.
Example comment for Log Event that failed message processing due to the message size vs the value from MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter

Log Audits

During processing, when a Log Event is larger than the max size, the Nodinite Logging Service writes an entry to the Audit Log:
Here's an example of an Audit Log entry when message processing failed due to the message size vs the value from MessageProcessingMaxBodySize System Parameter

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the Nodinite System Parameters FAQ exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

How do I change the value?

Changing a value for the pre-defined System Parameters is described in the generic 'How do I change the System Parameters' article.

What happens if I set a high value?

Then the Nodinite Logging Service will try to process the large message and depending on the current load and available memory the operation may or may not succeed. The worst case is that message processing completely stops since messages are being processed in the order. 1 single large message may therefore completely stop the processing of Log Events.

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