- 2 minutes to read

Orphaned DTA Service Instances

Check if the number of Orphaned DTA Service Instances goes above user-defined thresholds

If the orphaned DTA service instances are never removed by the DTA Purge and Archive job the BizTalkDTADb database can become very large.

If the number of Orphaned DTA Service Instances goes above the user-defined thresholds the Resource Orphaned DTA Service Instances the state is evaluated accordingly:

Orphaned instance exists resources

Category Name="Health Check"
Resource Name="Orphaned DTA Service Instances"

What's being evaluated for 'Orphaned DTA Service Instances'?

The evaluated state is provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'BizTalk Orphaned DTA Service Instances' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Too many instances exists Number of instances are above configured threshold Details
Warning Too many instances exists Number of instances are above configured threshold Details
OK Not too many instances exists number of instances are less than configured thresholds Details


The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality on every Resource within Nodinite.

What remote actions are available?


  • Details - Show the number of instances, also allows an action to remove instances.

Health check details

Click the Actions button and click on the Remove menu item to initiate the process where the dtEndTime values for orphaned instances will be set. This means that the DTA Purge and Archive job (SQL Agent job) can clean these rows on the next run.


Changes to the thresholds are performed from the Configuration for the instance of the Nodinite Microsoft BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent.
Remote Config

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Nodinite Microsoft BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent
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