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Log API FAQ and Troubleshooting guide

What IIS App Pool settings does the LogAPI require

IIS Authentication settings

I'm getting a GRANT EXECUTE Error...

You are most likely missing some SQL access rights. Make sure to review the Prerequisites.

Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

Follow the link if you get a 'Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions`.

Does the Log API support Swagger?

Yes, the Log API has Swagger support which comes complete with documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of the RESTful API.
Swagger example for a Log Event.

What kind of data can I send using the Log API?

You can log any data to the Log API. The primary purpose is Logging Business Transactions. With Nodinite, you can provide self-service to business-critical data with role-based access for your stakeholders. Apply smart filters (restrictions) to avoid potentially sensitive data from messages being revealed. This means you should log data for a specific reason. If you are strictly looking for technical logging without any concern for who reads and potentially further distributes content without leaving a single trace, then feel free to evaluate your options.

  • Event - Generic information about the event (like time, message type name and endpoint) - WHEN, HOW.
    • Payload - The business transaction with data, usually XML, JSON, flatfile like EDI/X12 or zip file - WHAT.
    • Context Properties - Key value based collection of arbitrary data - (for example InvoiceId and CorrelationId) - WHAT.
      • With the powerful Nodinite Context Options, you can control the behaviour of how Nodinite processes events.
graph TD subgraph "Event" subgraph "Details" roED[fal:fa-bolt Event Details
LogDateTime = 2018-05-03 13:37:00+02:00
EndPoint = https://api.nodinite.com/...
...] end subgraph "Payload" ro[fal:fa-envelope Message
base64EncodedMessage] end subgraph "Context Properties" roKey[fal:fa-key Key Values
InvoiceNo = 123
...] end end

Even though Nodinite manages large messages (we have seen at least 5,5 GB payloads in real-world customer environments), the Log API has its limitations due to being an API. If you need large messaging support, contact our support for guidance on how to properly managing your specific use case.

What protocols are supported?

The following protocols are supported:

  • HTTP


You must use a valid certificate when browsing the Log API using HTTPS. Make sure to Monitor aging certificates using the Nodinite Windows Server Monitoring Agent and the Nodinite Web Services Monitoring Agent.

If the browser returns that the certificate is not secure, the Log API will not work (since it is not operational).
Not a valid cert

How can I send events and data to the Log API?

You can write your custom code to invoke the Log API, below is a list of your options further detailed individually:


There are other asynchronous options available such as posting a Log Event to the filesystem or event better various queues. Use this in combination with the Nodinite Pickup Service, and you will have no dependency on Nodinite having to be available (which in turn means freedom to update Nodinite whenever you want).

sequenceDiagram Your Application-XQueue: Create and Send Log Event loop Periodic check and loop While Log Events Exists alt Run Pickup Service->>Queue: Get Log Events from Queue Queue->>Pickup Service: Read Message Pickup Service->>Log API: Send Log Event Log API->>Pickup Service: ACK/NACK (or Exception) Pickup Service->>Queue: Remove Message else Failed Pickup Service->>Queue: Return Message end end

Which Log Agents uses the Log API?

The following list of Log Agents uses the Log API:

  • BizTalk - Using pipeline components for Nodinite
  • Log4Net Appender - Add logging from Log4Net enabled applications
  • MuleSoft Anypoint Logging - Use either the Log4J from Logger and Business Events (code) or even better with your own custom connector
  • VB6/COM/VBScript - Log from VB6/VBScript code
  • IBM Integration Bus Logging Agent - Get events and messages from IBM Integration Bus using IBM Monitor Events

The Nodinite Log Agents can manage situations where the Log API is unavailable (usually due to updates, service windows with servers offline, or databases that has grown out of disk). The Log Agents will resume operation automatically whenever the Log API comes back online and is operational.

Contact our support

If you still have any questions or have trouble with the Log API, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at support@nodinite.com.