- 2 minutes to read



Check if the BizTalk Server environment is in the throttling state longer than the user-defined threshold.

Throttling resources
Here's an example of the Throttling resource as seen in a Nodinite Monitor View.

Category Name = "Health Check"
Resource Name="Throttling"

What's being evaluated for 'Throttling'?

The evaluated state is provided in the table below:

Throttling is normal in BizTalk(!), Nodinite evaluates if the throttling state has been active for more than X minutes for example:

  • Message delivery throttling state
  • Message publishing throttling state

Read more about Host Throttling Performance Counters

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'BizTalk Host Throttling Performance Counters' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Warning BizTalk is throttling Your BizTalk environment has been in the throttling state above configured threshold Details
OK BizTalk is not throttling BizTalk has enough CPU and memory to cope with the current load Details


The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality on every Resource within Nodinite.

What remote actions are available?



The 'Details' Action is not implemented for this Resource.
Details Action


The 'Edit' Action is not implemented for this Resource. Adjust the threshold-based Monitoring using the global Configuration.

Edit Action

The Warning threshold is by default set to 15 minutes, e.g, BizTalk must be in the throttling state for more than 15 minutes to yield this Resource in the Warning state.
Throttling Warning threshold
The Default value is 15 minutes.

Metrics chart

Click the Actions button and click on the Metrics chart menu item to manage the code behind the Dashboard widget.


Perform changes to the Monitoring thresholds by using the global Configuration (for the instance of the Nodinite Microsoft BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent).

Next Step


Monitor Views
Nodinite Microsoft BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent