- 1 minutes to read

Update Client - No access - You have no access to this page

If you lock yourself out of the Nodinite Update Tool, or if you inherit the Nodinite installation , where you are not granted access, you will see the following landing page.

Once you have resolved the access issue, simply click on the 'Go to Start' link

Remove, or change the current access settings from the settings file, the default path is: C:\Program Files\Nodinite\Nodinite Update\UpdateClient\App_Data\settings.json

Remember to open with Notepad elevated, or even better use Notepad++

  "ActiveDirectoryUsers": [
      "Name": "NODINITE-DEV04\\N-Svc"
  "ActiveDirectoryGroups": [],

Add user NODINITE-DEV04\John

  "ActiveDirectoryUsers": [
      "Name": "NODINITE-DEV04\\N-Svc"
      "Name": "NODINITE-DEV04\\John"
  "ActiveDirectoryGroups": [],

Clear settings

  "ActiveDirectoryUsers": [],
  "ActiveDirectoryGroups": [],

Next Step

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