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ImLogServiceUsers - System Parameter

The system parameter ImLogServiceUsers instructs the Logging Service which SQL users get the assigned SQL rights on new Log Databases. The ImLogAccessRoles System Parameter tells the Logging Service what rights to assign.


If you have different accounts for the different Core Services you must make sure that all accounts are listed in the ImLogServiceUsers System Parameter.

System Parameter Name Data Type Values/Example Comment
ImLogServiceUsers string DOMAIN\SVCAccount1;DOMAIN\SVCAccount2 Default = null (Use account configured to run the Logging Service)


Many Nodinite installations uses only 1 account and that account will therefore be used on the Logging Service. If you change system accounts for the Core Services or have a complex setup with multiple accounts you must list every single account in this ; (semicolon) separated list.

This feature comes with Nodinite version 3.

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the Nodinite System Parameters FAQ exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

How do I change the value?

Changing a value for the pre-defined System Parameters is described in the generic 'How do I change the System Parameters' article.

Can I manually assign access rights?

If you intend to manually assign access rights (which you must if you create the Log Databases manually), follow the checklist in the 'What permissions does Nodinite need?' summarizing table for Nodinite.

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