- 6 minutes to read

Add or manage Search Field

This guide teaches how to add or manage a Search Field. Based on the Logging, these provide end-to-end observability.

The Nodinite Administrator has two ways to create and manage Search Fields:

  1. From the Search Fields Overview in the administration part of the Web Client (this guide)
  2. Using the Search Field Wizard available for Nodinite Administrators within Log Views

Step 1: Add or Manage a Search Field

To get data from a correlation from the Search Fields Overview, Click the Add Search Field button to create a new Search Field.
Add a new Search Field Button
Here's an example of the add a new Search Field button.

Step 2: Name the Search Field

Now give your Search Field a unique name.
Add or manage a Search Field
Edit Search Field properties.

Mandatory fields

  • Name: The Search Field must have a unique user-friendly name assigned. You can safely change this name at any point later.
  • Data Type is required to provide the proper relational operators when working with the Log Views.

The Data Types are pre-defined; additional data types may be added with future versions of Nodinite. The Search Fields must be set to any of the following:

Data Type Description Example value Example operators
Text =, Like, Not Like, Contains, ...
Integer a whole number 1, 42, 1337 <, >, <>, =, ...
Long Integer <, >, <>, =, ...
Real number with 2 decimals datetimeoffset (Transact-SQL)
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnn][{+|-}hh:mm]
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnn]Z (UTC)
<, >, <>, =, ...
GUID =, <>, Contains, Empty, ...
Double <, >, <>, =, ...
Date time with offset =, <>, <, Empty, ...
Bitwise Integer =, <>, Contains, Starts with, ...

Data Types
To facilitate search operations in Log Views; Select a proper data type to provide the proper set of mathematical operators.

Optional fields

  • Description - You can and should give your Search Fields a user-friendly description of their intended purpose.
  • Web Site - You can provide a quick link for users when working with and viewing the Search Field. This link usually points to a WIKI/Sharepoint site with additional documentation.

Step 3: Manage Search Field expressions

You can Edit the Search Field Expressions for the Search Field.

There can be any number of Search Field Expressions assigned on a Search Field.

Configured Search Field expressions
Click the Edit button to manage Search Field Expressions for the Search Field.

Search Field Expressions

Click the Actions button; You can either Edit or Delete the selected search field expression.

Edit - Loads the configuration for the selected Search field expression. Next, you can test and then update the configuration.


The Expression is a statement the Logging Service uses to extract values from the message body or context data on messages matching the Message Type.

Expression Type

Select an Expression Type to suit the format of the data. The result of the configuration yields unique values (code/logic/syntax/format).

Message Type

Select the Message Types that this Expression should be applied on (usually at least one).
Message Type

Click the Message Types link to open the corresponding message type from the Repository Model.
Link To Message Type

Global - Use the expression on ALL Message Types.


Use this feature only when you need it. All inbound messages is processed, looking for a value to extract. This will add significant processing overhead to the Logging Service.

Optional - Optional means that messages lacking a value are not flagged in the warning state.

Processing State

From the Test expression tab, you can validate your configuration with actual data.

There are three types of processing states which are expressed as a cogwheel with a green, yellow, or red sign.

  1. OK - green, evaluation gave 1 or more results.
  2. Warning - yellow, evaluation gave no result (failed to find data from provided expression).
  3. Error - Red, some major error either in the expression/plugin or the Logging Service is offline/not accessible.
1. OK 2. Warning 3. Error


When done, click the 'Update' button to save changes to the Search Field Expression.
Update button


If you just click 'Close', your changes might be lost!

A helpful feature of Nodinite helps your business act with ease by adding a clickable link from Log Views where Search Field values are displayed. These values can be more or less simple and/or more or less complex. Either way; For instance, if the ID stems from some internal transaction and that ID is NOT easy to read nor to remember. To avoid error-prone copy/paste operations, Nodinite can take this value and insert it into any of the available Search Field Links for that Search Field (opens the resulting URI in a new tab). Your business users, can thereby quickly, and almost without any instructions, navigate to other systems faster, with the correct data.

Search Field Link
As seen in a Nodinite Log View.

By clicking on the 'Edit' button, a modal dialogue is shown where one can configure one or more Search Field Links.
Manage Search Field Links

The following properties can be edited for a Search Field Link:

  • Enabled - Whether the Link should be enabled making search field results as a link or not. This is helpful if one temporarily wants to disable the link without deleting it
  • Name - The name of the link ex. OrderId, City.
  • URL - The URL where to browse when the link is clicked (which opens a new tab in the web browser)
  • Description - A suitable description that is shown when hovering the mouse pointer over the link

URL can contain an optional parameter '{value}' e.g. https://www.google.com?q={value}. The value is replaced by the Search Field Expression value. E.g. OrderId, City, ... By entering a test value, and clicking the link symbol at the right side of the URL field, you can test the link (opens a new tab in the browser).


When done, make sure to click 'Save' to save pending changes to the Search Field.
Save buttons

When you close the dialogue, from the presented modal you can opt to re-index the selected Message Types.


  • Keep the number of re-index operations to a minimum. All data based on the Message Type is reprocessed by the Nodinite Logging Service.
  • You cannot abort the re-index operation once it has started.
  • Read-only Log Databases are not part of the re-index operation

Next Step

Add or manage Log View
Add or manage Message Types

Search Fields Overview
Search Field Expressions
Repository Model
Logging Service
Message Type Overview