- 1 minutes to read

Log Databases overview

The Log Databases are part of Nodinite Core Services and from the Web Client an administrator may view a list of Log Databases.

This list shows:

  • Status - Online (available) or Offline (not available)
  • Name - The name of the Log Database
  • Server - The SQL Instance name
  • Description - A user-friendly description for this database - room for comments
  • Start Date - The start time period for logged records
  • End Date - The end time period for logged records
    • Online database has no End Date (only 1 log database is allowed to have no end date set)
  • Read Only - Flag to prevent any modifications to logged records

An example of available Log Databases
Log Databases


Enter text in the filter text box to narrow down a large number of records in the list.


An administrator can Add new Log Databases.
Click the 'Add Log Database' button to open a new modal to add information about a new Log Database

An administrator can Edit a record by clicking on the record or by selecting the Edit option from the Actions button menu.

Next Step

Add or manage Log Database

Log Databases Core Services Package