- 2 minutes to read

Add or Manage Display Field Configurations

You can customize the order of the columns for Log Views and Monitor Views.

Provide your end-users the best possible Self Service experience by placing columns in the order that makes the best sense for your use case Manage the display name and set of columns for use within Log Views.


A Display Field Configuration has the following properties:

  • Name - The user-friendly name used for selection within Log Views *(Required)
  • Description - The user-friendly description for this configuration (Optional)
  • Display Fields - The set of selected columns (Fields) (Optional)

Either add a new Display Field Configuration by clicking on the 'Add Display Field Configuration' button or by selecting one existing from the list.
Add new Display Field Configuration button
Here's an example of the 'Add' Display Field Configuration button.


Add or Remove

Add or remove fields from the list of Available Fields.
Select Fields


The list can be filtered by typing characters in the dropdown list. The list can also be filtered by selecting the type of field.

Type of fields
Here's an example of the type of selectable fields.

Artifact renaming

From the Selected tab, you can check the Artifact Renaming checkbox to rename the Selected Fields.
Artifact renaming


Remember to Confirm and Save any changes!

Next Step

Add or manage Log View

Display Field Configurations
Log Views