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Nodinite Serilog sink using an Azure Event Hub Entity

Use the Nodinite Serilog Even tHub sink with your full framework and .NET Core applications to enable end-to-end tracking. Microsoft Azure functions built with .NET (usually CSharp) are typical. Nodinite sports payload Logging and removes the obstacle the Application insights logging imposes on message size.

graph LR A[.NET Application] -->|Log Event| SLS(Serilog) F[fal:fa-function Azure Function] --> |Log Event| SLS LA[fal:fa-cloud-download Nodinite Log API] PS[far:fa-truck-pickup Pickup Service] PS --> LA SLS --> SLSB[fa:fa-list Event Hub Sink] ASB[fa:fa-list-ol Azure Event Hub Entity] SLSB --> ASB ASB -..-> |Async| PS


The following versions exist. There are notable differences in the code between the different generations of the code.