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FAQ - Troubleshooting Alarm Plugins

If you have any issues that you can not solve, contact our Support or send us an email at support@nodinite.com

There is a problem sending e-mail to office365.com

  • You must have an account with the right to send e-mails
  • Outbound TCP Port 587 must be allowed
  • DNS Port 53 (TCP and UDP) must be open
  • Make sure the password never expires, OR, make sure you have a routine to change it accordingly
  • Multi-factor authentication has to be disabled for the account sending the e-mail
  • You must check the 'Use SSL' checkbox on the e-mail plugin
  • The account must have the SMTP Authentication option checked in the office365 portal

    Please use this guide

SMTP Authentication allowed
The SMTP Authentication must be checked.

How do I customize Alert properties?

You can use Macros in Nodinite, please review the Variables user guide.