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Example to find and view the Body/Payload from another BizTalk Log Event

In this example, you will learn how to open a related message body using the MessageId of some other logged message.

The API action /Message/FindAndView searches through the active Log Database, and then sequentially the older databases to locate the other logged message body using the specified MessageId. When you expand the Log Event information using a Log View, you can also see the Log Database's Id.

Example: /Message/FindAndView?logViewId=0&messageId=7393cc8d-5bda-4194-a23f-7e027a8fd14

  1. Set the HTTP Response Header Nodinite-LogDatabaseId with Id of the Nodinite Log Database.
  2. Create a new link for the Search Field that extracts the BizTalk MessageId.
  3. Give the link a name and then enter the address to Nodinite, you need to set the DNS or server name instead of localhost if used externally.



png_Example_LogView The example is from a Log View.

*new function in

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