- 2 minutes to read

Managing SQL Instance(s)

This monitoring feature helps you get alerted when the SQL Server instance is unavailable

The Database Monitoring Agent monitors the SQL Instance(s) configured. Each monitored SQL Instance is represented in Nodinite as 1 Resource. Each SQL Instance returns its evaluated state which therefore can be monitored from the use of Monitor Views and external alerts can be pushed using any of the installed : Alarm Plugins.

The checks for SQL Instances are grouped by the Category SQL Instance.

Category - SQL Instance
Example of a Monitor View filtered by the 'SQL Size Checks' and 'SQL Size Checks - Specific'

  • Your SQL Instances are listed in Nodinite as resources where the Display name of the SQL Instance configuration becomes the Resource name.
graph LR subgraph "Configuration" c["fal:fa-code 1 SQL Server Instance"] --> r[fal:fa-lightbulb 1 Resource] end

What are the key features for Monitoring SQL Instance?

  • State Evaluation - Monitors and evaluates the state
  • Actions - Support for the execution of Remote Actions

What is evaluated for SQL Instance?

The different possible evaluated states for your SQL Instance are provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'SQL Instance' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error state raised The SQL Instance is unavailable or cannot be reached Edit configuration
OK Online The SQL Server instance is online, operational and accessible Edit configuration

TIP: The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality that exists on every Resource within Nodinite.


Configuration of SQL Instances are described in Edit configuration user guide.


The Database Monitoring Agent has support for remote actions. The following Actions are exposed:

  • View SQL Server Log
  • Details


View SQL Server Log

You can view the current log for SQL Server Instance. To reduce network traffic the result is displayed using pagination.


NOTE: Very large logs are streamed from a file and may not always succeed to load within the Web Client.


The details form holds almost the same as Properties on selected instance in SSMS.

Nodinite Details SSMS Properties

all information displayed is read-only.

Next Step

Add or manage Monitor View

Azure - SQL Size Checks
Database Monitoring Agent
SQL Categories
Monitoring Agents
Monitor Views