- 4 minutes to read

Database Monitoring Agent

Plug and Play! No changes to the existing solutions

Monitor on-premise SQL Server instances and cloud based Azure SQL Databases as well as PostgreSQL databases with the Nodinite Database Monitoring Agent.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite" roNI(fal:fa-code-commit Database Monitoring agent) --- roMonitor[fal:fa-monitor-waveform Monitoring] end subgraph "SQL Server" roDB1(fal:fa-database SQL Instances) end subgraph "Azure" roDB2(fal:fa-database Azure Databases) end subgraph "PostgreSQL" roDB3(fal:fa-database PostgreSQL Instances) roMonitor ---roDB1 roMonitor ---roDB2 roMonitor ---roDB3 end

This agent has been developed with demands set from a company specializing in providing services and 24/7 support for Microsoft SQL Server. This ensures capabilities, performance and overall quality. Together with the BizTalk Monitoring Agent this is one of our most appreciated and most commonly used agents.

Use the Nodinite Repository Model to Document all your databases and related information.

The agent provides a way to monitor key features in various databases like SQL Server, Azure Databases and PostgreSQL. For example; It is crucial to know when backups are not taken/failing, jobs and SSIS packages are not running. If the built-in monitoring is not enough for your needs you can add your own TSQL statements. With this agent you can configure Nodinite to execute and monitor all imaginable SQL statements and their result.

The current state of the resulting Resources are available in applicable Monitor Views. Alerts can get distributed (pushed) to end-users (Mail, Ticket handling systems, etc.).

Alert metrics can be displayed either in the dashboard or using custom Reports like Power BI or any other tool that you prefer since all Nodinite data is available using the REST based Web API.


  • SQL Server, Azure SQL Databases and PostgreSQL databases are supported from the same installed agent
  • Remote Actions are available on some resources which removes the need of the MMC/remote desktop connections
  • Large number of databases can be monitored from a single agent
  • Multiple agents can be deployed on multiple servers
  • Servers can be local or in the cloud, and even off-site (partner/customer location)
  • Low overhead with least privileges policy

The Resources are grouped by Categories. The following SQL Categories exists:

SQL Server

  • SQL Instance - Provides general information, and the log about the monitored SQL Instance(s)
  • SQL Jobs - Monitor, control and view history on SQL Agent jobs perform
  • SQL Backups - Monitor your backups, also provides the time of the last backup taken (if any).
  • SQL SSIS - Monitor SSIS package execution (Master projects and shared projects)
  • Size Checks - Monitor space usage (data and log separately)
  • SQL Statements - Monitor the state of your business data running custom TSQL statements (including stored procedures)
    • Execute Script - Execute a pre-defined script. Easy access to a script collection, simply execute and review the result

Azure Databases

  • Azure Size Checks - Monitor space usage
  • Azure SQL Statements - Monitor the state of your business data running custom TSQL statements
    • Execute Script - Execute a pre-defined script. Easy access to a script collection, simply execute and review the result


  • PostgreSQL SQL Statements- Monitor the state of your business data running custom SQL statements
    • Execute Script - Execute a pre-defined script. Easy access to a script collection, simply execute and review the result


You can find information and fix many of your SQL related problems with ease from a distance without the MMC (SSMS) or the Azure portal for (Azure SQL Databases).

Using the self-service enabled Web Client for Nodinite, Remote Actions can be sent by the Database Monitoring Agent requesting operations to be performed on monitored Resources. With the existing privilege model you can allow certain users to perform operation on hand picked resources.

Below you will find a list of featured Remote Actions per SQL Category:

Supported Versions

Product Version history Supported versions Comment
SQL Server SQL Server versioning 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 All editions, Preview, Developer, Standard, Enterprise are supported.
Default and named instances are supported.
SQL Express SQL Server Express versioning 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 Not all monitoring features are available due to limitations within SQL Server Express
SQL Database (Azure) Not all monitoring features are available due to limitations within SQL databases within Azure
Postgresql Postgresql Versioning v9 and later (earlier versions may work, please contact our support if you need compatibility with older versions)

Our aim is always to support the latest versions and standards, often including CTP releases as we tend to develop on the very latest technologies.

Release Notes

For more information about the release history and latest version, see Release Notes.

Next Step

Install Database Monitoring Agent
Configuration of the agent

Prerequisites for Database Monitoring Agent