Manage Azure API Management Service Monitoring
Manage monitoring options and perform remote administrative actions on Azure API Management Service related items for configured Azure subscriptions.
To Manage other parts of Azure API Management Service using Nodinite; Review the following user guides:
For your business and other end-users; Delegate the power to manage, and gain insights to selected Azure API Management Services in Azure. Nodinite Monitoring aids the support and maintenance team's people in having additional data for root cause analysis without having individual direct access to the Microsoft Azure Portal. Reducing access limits the number of attack vectors, and having fewer people with fewer access rights minimizes the risk for disruption of mission-critical services.
Application Management Team | IT Operations | Business |
Let your AM team have the power to detect application-related problems without involving the IT operations team | Stay in complete control with access to everything | Give your business Data and self-service for solutions built using Azure API Management Service |
Management Features
For Resources in the Role-based Monitor Views with the Remote Actions privilege grant; The following Remote Actions grouped by Category are available:
Category | Monitoring | Actions | Metrics/Statistics |
API Management Service | Create Event Hub Logger Details | - |
As an Administrator with access to the Configuration for Monitoring Agents, the additional monitoring options are available:
Monitoring | Remote Configuration |
Monitoring Azure API Management Service |
API Management Service
The 'API Management Service' Category provides one resource for each 'Azure API Management Service' for configured Azure Subscriptions and Resource Groups with the deployed Azure name, as the resource name:
Example from a Monitor View with a list of configured 'API Management Services'
See Monitoring Azure API Management Service for additional details about Azure API Management Service Monitoring.
The API Management Service category provides Resources that displays the evaluated monitored state according to user-defined thresholds.
The following Remote Actions are available for the API Management Service Category.
Example with a list of Remote Actions as seen from the dropdown menu of the Actions button.
To view the selected API Management Service resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected API Management Service.
Next, click the option to present the modal.
Here's an example of details for selected Azure API Management Service.
Create Event Hub Logger
Logging to Nodinite using a Policy, is detailed in the API Logging user guide.
If you are Logging from an API using the Azure API Management Service, then your policy contains a named Logger. This logger can be managed from within Nodinite. You can perform the folloing CRUD operation:
- Create
- Modify
- Delete
To Create a new Event Hub Logger; Click the Action button and then click on the Create Logger menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Create Logger Action button menu item.
Next, click the option to present the modal.
Here's an example of the create new logger modal.
- Logger Name - Enter the name of the Event Hub logger, this name should rarely change since your hard-coded policy uses this name.
- Event Hub Name - Enter the name of the Event Hub entity to use as target for the Nodinite JSON Log Event.
- Event Hub Connection String - Enter the connection string with access to write events triggered by the policy.
EntityPath should not be part of the Connection String.
- Resource ID New - Enter the path to the target Event Hub entity:
This configuration is manual and can be tricky to set up correctly, especially since the target Event Hub entity might be located in a different resource group or namespace than the API Management Service where this Event Hub logger will be utilized.
- Description - Optionally, you can provide a user friendly desription for this logger instance.
- Is Buffered - The default is checked.
Click the Create button to persist changes.
Create operation button.
Use the Post remote action and send a JSON Log Event using an example from the Swagger in the Nodinite Log API to Event Hub entity operation to validate you have an operational configuration.
Azure Agent config with the right to post to an Event Hub entity
Pickup Service properly configured to read from the Event Hub entity
Verify the Event Hub Logger is operational
Verify the Policy is operational in Azure APIM Servie API
Next Step
Global Configuration of the Azure Monitoring agent.
Azure Logging and Monitoring Overview
Prerequisites for Azure Agent